Remove the TCP examples that aren't in line with the helper API
authorRaj Bhattacharjea <>
Mon, 31 Mar 2008 12:22:05 -0400
changeset 2803 2ce2256f8454
parent 2802 6beac0ec2c5d
child 2804 7980b7512eb4
Remove the TCP examples that aren't in line with the helper API
--- a/examples/	Sun Mar 30 22:39:27 2008 -0700
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,245 +0,0 @@
-/* -*- Mode:C++; c-file-style:"gnu"; indent-tabs-mode:nil; -*- */
- * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as
- * published by the Free Software Foundation;
- *
- * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * GNU General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
- * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA
- *
- */
-// Network topology
-//           10Mb/s, 10ms       10Mb/s, 10ms
-//       n0-----------------n1-----------------n2
-// - Tracing of queues and packet receptions to file 
-//   ""
-// - pcap traces also generated in the following files
-//   "tcp-large-transfer-errors.pcap-$n-$i" where n and i represent node and interface numbers respectively
-//  Usage (e.g.): ./waf --run tcp-large-transfer-errors
-#include <ctype.h>
-#include <iostream>
-#include <fstream>
-#include <string>
-#include <cassert>
-#include "ns3/command-line.h"
-#include "ns3/ptr.h"
-#include "ns3/random-variable.h"
-#include "ns3/log.h"
-#include "ns3/simulator.h"
-#include "ns3/nstime.h"
-#include "ns3/data-rate.h"
-#include "ns3/ascii-trace.h"
-#include "ns3/pcap-trace.h"
-#include "ns3/internet-node.h"
-#include "ns3/point-to-point-channel.h"
-#include "ns3/point-to-point-net-device.h"
-#include "ns3/ipv4-address.h"
-#include "ns3/inet-socket-address.h"
-#include "ns3/ipv4.h"
-#include "ns3/socket.h"
-#include "ns3/ipv4-route.h"
-#include "ns3/point-to-point-topology.h"
-#include "ns3/onoff-application.h"
-#include "ns3/packet-sink.h"
-#include "ns3/error-model.h"
-#include "ns3/node-list.h"
-#include "ns3/config.h"
-#include "ns3/tcp.h"
-using namespace ns3;
-NS_LOG_COMPONENT_DEFINE ("TcpLargeTransferErrors");
-ApplicationTraceSink (Ptr<const Packet> packet,
-                      const Address &addr)
-// g_log is not declared in optimized builds
-// should convert this to use of some other flag than the logging system
-#ifdef NS3_LOG_ENABLE
-  if (!g_log.IsNoneEnabled ()) {
-    if (InetSocketAddress::IsMatchingType (addr) )
-      {
-      InetSocketAddress address = InetSocketAddress::ConvertFrom (addr);
-        std::cout << "PacketSink received size " << 
-        packet->GetSize () << " at time " << 
-        Simulator::Now ().GetSeconds () << " from address: " << 
-        address.GetIpv4 () << std::endl;
-        char buf[2000]; 
-        memcpy(buf, packet->PeekData (), packet->GetSize ());
-        for (uint32_t i=0; i < packet->GetSize (); i++)
-          {
-            std::cout << buf[i];
-            if (i && i % 60 == 0) 
-              std::cout << std::endl; 
-          }
-        std::cout << std::endl << std::endl;
-    }
-  }
-void CloseConnection (Ptr<Socket> localSocket)
-  //localSocket->Close ();
-void StartFlow(Ptr<Socket> localSocket, uint32_t nBytes, 
-  uint16_t servPort)
- // NS_LOG_LOGIC("Starting flow at time " <<  Simulator::Now ().GetSeconds ());
-  localSocket->Connect (InetSocketAddress ("", servPort));//connect
-  localSocket->SetConnectCallback (MakeCallback (&CloseConnection),
-                                   Callback<void, Ptr<Socket> > (),
-                                   Callback<void, Ptr<Socket> > ());
-  //we want to close as soon as the connection is established
-  //the tcp state machine and outgoing buffer will assure that
-  //all of the data is delivered
-  // Perform series of 1040 byte writes (this is a multiple of 26 since
-  // we want to detect data splicing in the output stream)
-  uint32_t writeSize = 1040;
-  uint8_t data[writeSize];
-  while (nBytes > 0) {
-    uint32_t curSize= nBytes > writeSize ? writeSize : nBytes;
-    for(uint32_t i = 0; i < curSize; ++i)
-    {
-      char m = toascii (97 + i % 26);
-      data[i] = m;
-    }
-    localSocket->Send (data, curSize);
-    nBytes -= curSize;
-  }
-int main (int argc, char *argv[])
-  // Users may find it convenient to turn on explicit debugging
-  // for selected modules; the below lines suggest how to do this
-//  LogComponentEnable("TcpL4Protocol", LOG_LEVEL_ALL);
-//  LogComponentEnable("TcpSocket", LOG_LEVEL_ALL);
-//  LogComponentEnable("PacketSink", LOG_LEVEL_ALL);
-  //LogComponentEnable("TcpLargeTransferErrors", LOG_LEVEL_ALL);
-  // Allow the user to override any of the defaults and the above
-  // Bind()s at run-time, via command-line arguments
-  CommandLine cmd;
-  cmd.Parse (argc, argv);
-  // Here, we will explicitly create three nodes.  In more sophisticated
-  // topologies, we could configure a node factory.
-  Ptr<Node> n0 = Create<InternetNode> ();
-  Ptr<Node> n1 = Create<InternetNode> (); 
-  Ptr<Node> n2 = Create<InternetNode> ();
-  // We create the channels first without any IP addressing information
-  Ptr<PointToPointChannel> channel0 = 
-    PointToPointTopology::AddPointToPointLink (
-    n0, n1, DataRate(10000000), MilliSeconds(10));
-  // Later, we add IP addresses.  
-  PointToPointTopology::AddIpv4Addresses (
-      channel0, n0, Ipv4Address(""),
-      n1, Ipv4Address(""));
-  Ptr<PointToPointChannel> channel1 = 
-      PointToPointTopology::AddPointToPointLink (
-      n1, n2, DataRate(10000000), MilliSeconds(10));
-  PointToPointTopology::AddIpv4Addresses (
-      channel1, n1, Ipv4Address(""),
-      n2, Ipv4Address(""));
-  // Finally, we add static routes.  These three steps (Channel and
-  // NetDevice creation, IP Address assignment, and routing) are 
-  // separated because there may be a need to postpone IP Address
-  // assignment (emulation) or modify to use dynamic routing
-  PointToPointTopology::AddIpv4Routes(n0, n1, channel0);
-  PointToPointTopology::AddIpv4Routes(n1, n2, channel1);
-  Ptr<Ipv4> ipv4;
-  ipv4 = n0->GetObject<Ipv4> ();
-  ipv4->SetDefaultRoute (Ipv4Address (""), 1);
-  ipv4 = n2->GetObject<Ipv4> ();
-  ipv4->SetDefaultRoute (Ipv4Address (""), 1);
-  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-  // Simulation 1
-  // 
-  // Send 2000000 bytes over a connection to server port 50000 at time 0
-  // Should observe SYN exchange, a lot of data segments, and FIN exchange
-  //
-  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-  int nBytes = 2000000;
-  uint16_t servPort = 50000;
-  Ptr<SocketFactory> socketFactory = 
-    n0->GetObject<SocketFactory> ();
-  Ptr<Socket> localSocket = socketFactory->CreateSocket ();
-  localSocket->Bind ();
-  // Create a packet sink to receive these packets
-  Ptr<PacketSink> sink = 
-    CreateObject<PacketSink> ("Local", Address (InetSocketAddress (Ipv4Address::GetAny (), servPort)),
-                              "Protocol", TypeId::LookupByName ("ns3::Tcp"));
-  n2->AddApplication (sink);
-  sink->Start (Seconds (0.0));
-  sink->Stop (Seconds (10000.0));
- //
-  // Error models
-  //
-  // We want to add an error model to node 2's NetDevice
-  // We can obtain a handle to the NetDevice via the channel and node 
-  // pointers
-  Ptr<PointToPointNetDevice> nd2 = PointToPointTopology::GetNetDevice
-    (n2, channel1);
-  Ptr<RateErrorModel> rem = Create<RateErrorModel> ();
-  // The first data segment for this flow is packet uid=4
-  rem->SetRandomVariable (UniformVariable ());
-  rem->SetUnit (EU_PKT);
-  rem->SetRate (0.05);
-  nd2->AddReceiveErrorModel (rem);
-  Simulator::Schedule(Seconds(0), &StartFlow, localSocket, nBytes,
-    servPort);
-  // Configure tracing of all enqueue, dequeue, and NetDevice receive events
-  // Trace output will be sent to the file
-  AsciiTrace asciitrace ("");
-  asciitrace.TraceAllQueues ();
-  asciitrace.TraceAllNetDeviceRx ();
-  // Also configure some tcpdump traces; each interface will be traced
-  // The output files will be named 
-  // simple-examples.pcap-<nodeId>-<interfaceId>
-  // and can be read by the "tcpdump -r" command (use "-tt" option to
-  // display timestamps correctly)
-  PcapTrace pcaptrace ("tcp-large-transfer-errors.pcap");
-  pcaptrace.TraceAllIp ();
-  Config::ConnectWithoutContext ("/NodeList/*/ApplicationList/*/Rx", MakeCallback (&ApplicationTraceSink));
-  Simulator::StopAt (Seconds(10000));
-  Simulator::Run ();
-  Simulator::Destroy ();
--- a/examples/	Sun Mar 30 22:39:27 2008 -0700
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,191 +0,0 @@
-/* -*- Mode:C++; c-file-style:"gnu"; indent-tabs-mode:nil; -*- */
- * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as
- * published by the Free Software Foundation;
- *
- * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * GNU General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
- * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA
- *
- */
-// Network topology
-//           100Kb/s, 10ms       1Mb/s, 10ms
-//       n0-----------------n1-----------------n2
-// - Tracing of queues and packet receptions to file 
-//   ""
-// - pcap traces also generated in the following files
-//   "tcp-nonlistening-server.pcap-$n-$i" where n and i represent node and interface numbers respectively
-//  Usage (e.g.): ./waf --run tcp-nonlistening-server
-#include <iostream>
-#include <fstream>
-#include <string>
-#include <cassert>
-#include "ns3/command-line.h"
-#include "ns3/ptr.h"
-#include "ns3/random-variable.h"
-#include "ns3/log.h"
-#include "ns3/simulator.h"
-#include "ns3/nstime.h"
-#include "ns3/data-rate.h"
-#include "ns3/ascii-trace.h"
-#include "ns3/pcap-trace.h"
-#include "ns3/internet-node.h"
-#include "ns3/point-to-point-channel.h"
-#include "ns3/point-to-point-net-device.h"
-#include "ns3/ipv4-address.h"
-#include "ns3/inet-socket-address.h"
-#include "ns3/ipv4.h"
-#include "ns3/socket.h"
-#include "ns3/ipv4-route.h"
-#include "ns3/point-to-point-topology.h"
-#include "ns3/onoff-application.h"
-#include "ns3/packet-sink.h"
-#include "ns3/error-model.h"
-#include "ns3/tcp.h"
-using namespace ns3;
-NS_LOG_COMPONENT_DEFINE ("TcpNonListeningServer");
-void ConnectionSucceededCallback (Ptr<Socket> localSocket) 
-  uint32_t nBytes = 2000;
-  uint8_t data[nBytes];
-  for(uint32_t i = 0; i < nBytes; ++i)
-  {
-    char m = 'A';
-    data[i] = m;
-  } //put something interesting in the packets ABCDEF...
-  localSocket->Send (data, nBytes);
-void ConnectionFailedCallback (Ptr<Socket> localSocket) 
-  NS_LOG_ERROR("Connection failed at time " << Simulator::Now ().GetSeconds ());
-void StartFlow(Ptr<Socket> localSocket, uint16_t servPort)
-  NS_LOG_LOGIC(std::endl << "Connection attempt at time " <<  
-    Simulator::Now ().GetSeconds () << std::endl);
-  localSocket->Connect (InetSocketAddress ("", servPort));
-  localSocket->SetConnectCallback (
-    MakeCallback (&ConnectionSucceededCallback),
-    MakeCallback (&ConnectionFailedCallback), 
-    MakeNullCallback<void, Ptr<Socket> > () );
-int main (int argc, char *argv[])
-  // Users may find it convenient to turn on explicit debugging
-  // for selected modules; the below lines suggest how to do this
-  //LogComponentEnable("TcpL4Protocol", LOG_LEVEL_ALL);
-  //LogComponentEnable("TcpSocket", LOG_LEVEL_ALL);
-  LogComponentEnable("TcpNonListeningServer", LOG_LEVEL_ALL);
-  // Allow the user to override any of the defaults and the above
-  // Bind()s at run-time, via command-line arguments
-  CommandLine cmd;
-  cmd.Parse (argc, argv);
-  // Here, we will explicitly create three nodes.  In more sophisticated
-  // topologies, we could configure a node factory.
-  Ptr<Node> n0 = Create<InternetNode> ();
-  Ptr<Node> n1 = Create<InternetNode> (); 
-  Ptr<Node> n2 = Create<InternetNode> ();
-  // We create the channels first without any IP addressing information
-  Ptr<PointToPointChannel> channel0 = 
-    PointToPointTopology::AddPointToPointLink (
-    n0, n1, DataRate(1000000), MilliSeconds(10));
-  // Later, we add IP addresses.  
-  PointToPointTopology::AddIpv4Addresses (
-      channel0, n0, Ipv4Address(""),
-      n1, Ipv4Address(""));
-  Ptr<PointToPointChannel> channel1 = 
-      PointToPointTopology::AddPointToPointLink (
-      n1, n2, DataRate(100000), MilliSeconds(10));
-  PointToPointTopology::AddIpv4Addresses (
-      channel1, n1, Ipv4Address(""),
-      n2, Ipv4Address(""));
-  // Finally, we add static routes.  These three steps (Channel and
-  // NetDevice creation, IP Address assignment, and routing) are 
-  // separated because there may be a need to postpone IP Address
-  // assignment (emulation) or modify to use dynamic routing
-  PointToPointTopology::AddIpv4Routes(n0, n1, channel0);
-  PointToPointTopology::AddIpv4Routes(n1, n2, channel1);
-  Ptr<Ipv4> ipv4;
-  ipv4 = n0->GetObject<Ipv4> ();
-  ipv4->SetDefaultRoute (Ipv4Address (""), 1);
-  ipv4 = n2->GetObject<Ipv4> ();
-  ipv4->SetDefaultRoute (Ipv4Address (""), 1);
-  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-  // Simulation 1
-  // 
-  // Send 2000 bytes over a connection to server port 500 at time 0
-  // Should observe SYN exchange, two data segments, and FIN exchange
-  //
-  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-  uint16_t servPort = 500;
-  Ptr<SocketFactory> socketFactory = 
-    n0->GetObject<SocketFactory> ();
-  Ptr<Socket> localSocket = socketFactory->CreateSocket ();
-  localSocket->Bind ();
-  // Create an optional packet sink to receive these packets
-  Ptr<PacketSink> sink = Create<PacketSink> (
-    n2,
-    InetSocketAddress (Ipv4Address::GetAny (), servPort),
-    "ns3::Tcp");
-  // Start the sink
-  sink->Start (Seconds (0.0));
-  sink->Stop (Seconds (10.0));
-  Simulator::Schedule(Seconds(0), &StartFlow, localSocket, servPort);
-  // Configure tracing of all enqueue, dequeue, and NetDevice receive events
-  // Trace output will be sent to the file
-  AsciiTrace asciitrace ("");
-  asciitrace.TraceAllQueues ();
-  asciitrace.TraceAllNetDeviceRx ();
-  // Also configure some tcpdump traces; each interface will be traced
-  // The output files will be named 
-  // simple-examples.pcap-<nodeId>-<interfaceId>
-  // and can be read by the "tcpdump -r" command (use "-tt" option to
-  // display timestamps correctly)
-  PcapTrace pcaptrace ("tcp-nonlistening-server.pcap");
-  pcaptrace.TraceAllIp ();
-  Simulator::StopAt (Seconds(1000));
-  Simulator::Run ();
-  Simulator::Destroy ();
--- a/examples/	Sun Mar 30 22:39:27 2008 -0700
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,227 +0,0 @@
-/* -*- Mode:C++; c-file-style:"gnu"; indent-tabs-mode:nil; -*- */
- * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as
- * published by the Free Software Foundation;
- *
- * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * GNU General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
- * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA
- *
- */
-// Network topology
-//           100Kb/s, 10ms       1Mb/s, 10ms
-//       n0-----------------n1-----------------n2
-// - Tracing of queues and packet receptions to file 
-//   ""
-// - pcap traces also generated in the following files
-//   "tcp-small-transfer-oneloss.pcap-$n-$i" where n and i represent node and interface numbers respectively
-//  Usage (e.g.): ./waf --run tcp-small-transfer-oneloss
-#include <ctype.h>
-#include <iostream>
-#include <fstream>
-#include <string>
-#include <cassert>
-#include "ns3/command-line.h"
-#include "ns3/ptr.h"
-#include "ns3/random-variable.h"
-#include "ns3/log.h"
-#include "ns3/simulator.h"
-#include "ns3/nstime.h"
-#include "ns3/data-rate.h"
-#include "ns3/ascii-trace.h"
-#include "ns3/pcap-trace.h"
-#include "ns3/internet-node.h"
-#include "ns3/point-to-point-channel.h"
-#include "ns3/point-to-point-net-device.h"
-#include "ns3/ipv4-address.h"
-#include "ns3/inet-socket-address.h"
-#include "ns3/ipv4.h"
-#include "ns3/socket.h"
-#include "ns3/ipv4-route.h"
-#include "ns3/point-to-point-topology.h"
-#include "ns3/onoff-application.h"
-#include "ns3/packet-sink.h"
-#include "ns3/error-model.h"
-#include "ns3/node-list.h"
-#include "ns3/config.h"
-#include "ns3/tcp.h"
-using namespace ns3;
-NS_LOG_COMPONENT_DEFINE ("TcpSmallTransferOneloss");
-ApplicationTraceSink (Ptr<const Packet> packet,
-                      const Address &addr)
-// g_log is not declared in optimized builds
-// should convert this to use of some other flag than the logging system
-#ifdef NS3_LOG_ENABLE
-  if (!g_log.IsNoneEnabled ()) {
-    if (InetSocketAddress::IsMatchingType (addr) )
-      {
-      InetSocketAddress address = InetSocketAddress::ConvertFrom (addr);
-        std::cout << "PacketSink received size " << 
-        packet->GetSize () << " at time " << 
-        Simulator::Now ().GetSeconds () << " from address: " << 
-        address.GetIpv4 () << std::endl;
-        char buf[2000]; 
-        memcpy(buf, packet->PeekData (), packet->GetSize ());
-        for (uint32_t i=0; i < packet->GetSize (); i++)
-          {
-            std::cout << buf[i];
-            if (i && i % 60 == 0) 
-              std::cout << std::endl; 
-          }
-        std::cout << std::endl << std::endl;
-    }
-  }
-void StartFlow(Ptr<Socket> localSocket, uint32_t nBytes, 
-  uint16_t servPort)
- // NS_LOG_LOGIC("Starting flow at time " <<  Simulator::Now ().GetSeconds ());
-  localSocket->Connect (InetSocketAddress ("", servPort));
-  uint8_t data[nBytes];
-  for(uint32_t i = 0; i < nBytes; ++i)
-  {
-    char m = toascii (97 + i % 26);
-    data[i] = m;
-  } 
-  localSocket->Send (data, nBytes);
-int main (int argc, char *argv[])
-  // Users may find it convenient to turn on explicit debugging
-  // for selected modules; the below lines suggest how to do this
-// LogComponentEnable("TcpL4Protocol", LOG_LEVEL_ALL);
-// LogComponentEnable("TcpSocket", LOG_LEVEL_ALL);
-// LogComponentEnable("PacketSink", LOG_LEVEL_ALL);
- LogComponentEnable("TcpSmallTransferOneloss", LOG_LEVEL_ALL);
-  // Allow the user to override any of the defaults and the above
-  // Bind()s at run-time, via command-line arguments
- CommandLine cmd;
- cmd.Parse (argc, argv);
-  // Here, we will explicitly create three nodes.  In more sophisticated
-  // topologies, we could configure a node factory.
-  Ptr<Node> n0 = Create<InternetNode> ();
-  Ptr<Node> n1 = Create<InternetNode> (); 
-  Ptr<Node> n2 = Create<InternetNode> ();
-  // We create the channels first without any IP addressing information
-  Ptr<PointToPointChannel> channel0 = 
-    PointToPointTopology::AddPointToPointLink (
-    n0, n1, DataRate(1000000), MilliSeconds(10));
-  // Later, we add IP addresses.  
-  PointToPointTopology::AddIpv4Addresses (
-      channel0, n0, Ipv4Address(""),
-      n1, Ipv4Address(""));
-  Ptr<PointToPointChannel> channel1 = 
-      PointToPointTopology::AddPointToPointLink (
-      n1, n2, DataRate(100000), MilliSeconds(10));
-  PointToPointTopology::AddIpv4Addresses (
-      channel1, n1, Ipv4Address(""),
-      n2, Ipv4Address(""));
-  // Finally, we add static routes.  These three steps (Channel and
-  // NetDevice creation, IP Address assignment, and routing) are 
-  // separated because there may be a need to postpone IP Address
-  // assignment (emulation) or modify to use dynamic routing
-  PointToPointTopology::AddIpv4Routes(n0, n1, channel0);
-  PointToPointTopology::AddIpv4Routes(n1, n2, channel1);
-  Ptr<Ipv4> ipv4;
-  ipv4 = n0->GetObject<Ipv4> ();
-  ipv4->SetDefaultRoute (Ipv4Address (""), 1);
-  ipv4 = n2->GetObject<Ipv4> ();
-  ipv4->SetDefaultRoute (Ipv4Address (""), 1);
-  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-  // Simulation 1
-  // 
-  // Send 2000 bytes over a connection to server port 500 at time 0
-  // Should observe SYN exchange, two data segments, and FIN exchange
-  // Force the loss of the first data segment
-  //
-  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-  int nBytes = 2000;
-  uint16_t servPort = 500;
-  Ptr<SocketFactory> socketFactory = 
-    n0->GetObject<SocketFactory> ();
-  Ptr<Socket> localSocket = socketFactory->CreateSocket ();
-  localSocket->Bind ();
-  // Create a packet sink to receive these packets
-  Ptr<PacketSink> sink = 
-    CreateObject<PacketSink> ("Local", Address (InetSocketAddress (Ipv4Address::GetAny (), servPort)),
-                              "Protocol", TypeId::LookupByName ("ns3::Tcp"));
-  n2->AddApplication (sink);
-  sink->Start (Seconds (0.0));
-  sink->Stop (Seconds (100.0));
-  //
-  // Error models
-  //
-  // We want to add an error model to node 2's NetDevice
-  // We can obtain a handle to the NetDevice via the channel and node 
-  // pointers
-  Ptr<PointToPointNetDevice> nd2 = PointToPointTopology::GetNetDevice
-    (n2, channel1);
-  Ptr<ListErrorModel> pem = Create<ListErrorModel> ();
-  std::list<uint32_t> sampleList;
-  // The first data segment for this flow is packet uid=4
-  sampleList.push_back (4);
-  pem->SetList (sampleList);
-  nd2->AddReceiveErrorModel (pem);
-  Simulator::Schedule(Seconds(0), &StartFlow, localSocket, nBytes,
-    servPort);
-  // Configure tracing of all enqueue, dequeue, and NetDevice receive events
-  // Trace output will be sent to the file
-  AsciiTrace asciitrace ("");
-  asciitrace.TraceAllQueues ();
-  asciitrace.TraceAllNetDeviceRx ();
-  // Also configure some tcpdump traces; each interface will be traced
-  // The output files will be named 
-  // simple-examples.pcap-<nodeId>-<interfaceId>
-  // and can be read by the "tcpdump -r" command (use "-tt" option to
-  // display timestamps correctly)
-  PcapTrace pcaptrace ("tcp-small-transfer-oneloss.pcap");
-  pcaptrace.TraceAllIp ();
-  Config::ConnectWithoutContext ("/NodeList/*/ApplicationList/*/Rx", MakeCallback (&ApplicationTraceSink));
-  Simulator::StopAt (Seconds(1000));
-  Simulator::Run ();
-  Simulator::Destroy ();
--- a/examples/	Sun Mar 30 22:39:27 2008 -0700
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,222 +0,0 @@
-/* -*- Mode:C++; c-file-style:"gnu"; indent-tabs-mode:nil; -*- */
- * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as
- * published by the Free Software Foundation;
- *
- * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * GNU General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
- * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA
- *
- */
-// Network topology
-//           100Kb/s, 10ms       1Mb/s, 10ms
-//       n0-----------------n1-----------------n2
-// - Tracing of queues and packet receptions to file 
-//   ""
-// - pcap traces also generated in the following files
-//   "tcp-small-transfer.pcap-$n-$i" where n and i represent node and interface numbers respectively
-//  Usage (e.g.): ./waf --run tcp-small-transfer
-#include <ctype.h>
-#include <iostream>
-#include <fstream>
-#include <string>
-#include <cassert>
-#include "ns3/command-line.h"
-#include "ns3/ptr.h"
-#include "ns3/random-variable.h"
-#include "ns3/log.h"
-#include "ns3/simulator.h"
-#include "ns3/nstime.h"
-#include "ns3/data-rate.h"
-#include "ns3/ascii-trace.h"
-#include "ns3/pcap-trace.h"
-#include "ns3/internet-node.h"
-#include "ns3/point-to-point-channel.h"
-#include "ns3/point-to-point-net-device.h"
-#include "ns3/ipv4-address.h"
-#include "ns3/inet-socket-address.h"
-#include "ns3/ipv4.h"
-#include "ns3/socket.h"
-#include "ns3/ipv4-route.h"
-#include "ns3/point-to-point-topology.h"
-#include "ns3/onoff-application.h"
-#include "ns3/packet-sink.h"
-#include "ns3/error-model.h"
-#include "ns3/node-list.h"
-#include "ns3/config.h"
-#include "ns3/tcp.h"
-using namespace ns3;
-NS_LOG_COMPONENT_DEFINE ("TcpSmallTransfer");
-ApplicationTraceSink (Ptr<const Packet> packet,
-                      const Address &addr)
-// g_log is not declared in optimized builds
-// should convert this to use of some other flag than the logging system
-#ifdef NS3_LOG_ENABLE
-  if (!g_log.IsNoneEnabled ()) {
-    if (InetSocketAddress::IsMatchingType (addr) )
-      {
-      InetSocketAddress address = InetSocketAddress::ConvertFrom (addr);
-        std::cout << "PacketSink received size " << 
-        packet->GetSize () << " at time " << 
-        Simulator::Now ().GetSeconds () << " from address: " << 
-        address.GetIpv4 () << std::endl;
-        char buf[2000]; 
-        memcpy(buf, packet->PeekData (), packet->GetSize ());
-        for (uint32_t i=0; i < packet->GetSize (); i++)
-          {
-            std::cout << buf[i];
-            if (i && i % 60 == 0) 
-              std::cout << std::endl; 
-          }
-        std::cout << std::endl << std::endl;
-    }
-  }
-void CloseConnection (Ptr<Socket> localSocket)
-  localSocket->Close ();
-void StartFlow(Ptr<Socket> localSocket, uint32_t nBytes, 
-  uint16_t servPort)
- // NS_LOG_LOGIC("Starting flow at time " <<  Simulator::Now ().GetSeconds ());
-  localSocket->Connect (InetSocketAddress ("", servPort));//connect
-  localSocket->SetConnectCallback (MakeCallback (&CloseConnection),
-                                   MakeNullCallback<void, Ptr<Socket> > (),
-                                   MakeNullCallback<void, Ptr<Socket> > ());
-  //we want to close as soon as the connection is established
-  //the tcp state machine and outgoing buffer will assure that
-  //all of the data is delivered
-  uint8_t data[nBytes];
-  for(uint32_t i = 0; i < nBytes; ++i)
-  {
-    char m = toascii (97 + i % 26);
-    data[i] = m;
-  }
-  localSocket->Send (data, nBytes);
-int main (int argc, char *argv[])
-  // Users may find it convenient to turn on explicit debugging
-  // for selected modules; the below lines suggest how to do this
-//  LogComponentEnable("TcpL4Protocol", LOG_LEVEL_ALL);
-  // LogComponentEnable("TcpSocket", LOG_LEVEL_ALL);
-//  LogComponentEnable("PacketSink", LOG_LEVEL_ALL);
-  LogComponentEnable("TcpSmallTransfer", LOG_LEVEL_ALL);
-  // Allow the user to override any of the defaults and the above
-  // Bind()s at run-time, via command-line arguments
-  CommandLine cmd;
-  cmd.Parse (argc, argv);
-  // Here, we will explicitly create three nodes.  In more sophisticated
-  // topologies, we could configure a node factory.
-  Ptr<Node> n0 = Create<InternetNode> ();
-  Ptr<Node> n1 = Create<InternetNode> (); 
-  Ptr<Node> n2 = Create<InternetNode> ();
-  // We create the channels first without any IP addressing information
-  Ptr<PointToPointChannel> channel0 = 
-    PointToPointTopology::AddPointToPointLink (
-    n0, n1, DataRate(1000000), MilliSeconds(10));
-  // Later, we add IP addresses.  
-  PointToPointTopology::AddIpv4Addresses (
-      channel0, n0, Ipv4Address(""),
-      n1, Ipv4Address(""));
-  Ptr<PointToPointChannel> channel1 = 
-      PointToPointTopology::AddPointToPointLink (
-      n1, n2, DataRate(100000), MilliSeconds(10));
-  PointToPointTopology::AddIpv4Addresses (
-      channel1, n1, Ipv4Address(""),
-      n2, Ipv4Address(""));
-  // Finally, we add static routes.  These three steps (Channel and
-  // NetDevice creation, IP Address assignment, and routing) are 
-  // separated because there may be a need to postpone IP Address
-  // assignment (emulation) or modify to use dynamic routing
-  PointToPointTopology::AddIpv4Routes(n0, n1, channel0);
-  PointToPointTopology::AddIpv4Routes(n1, n2, channel1);
-  Ptr<Ipv4> ipv4;
-  ipv4 = n0->GetObject<Ipv4> ();
-  ipv4->SetDefaultRoute (Ipv4Address (""), 1);
-  ipv4 = n2->GetObject<Ipv4> ();
-  ipv4->SetDefaultRoute (Ipv4Address (""), 1);
-  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-  // Simulation 1
-  // 
-  // Send 2000 bytes over a connection to server port 500 at time 0
-  // Should observe SYN exchange, two data segments, and FIN exchange
-  //
-  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-  int nBytes = 2000;
-  uint16_t servPort = 500;
-  Ptr<SocketFactory> socketFactory = 
-    n0->GetObject<SocketFactory> ();
-  Ptr<Socket> localSocket = socketFactory->CreateSocket ();
-  localSocket->Bind ();
-  // Create a packet sink to receive these packets
-  Ptr<PacketSink> sink = 
-    CreateObject<PacketSink> ("Local", Address (InetSocketAddress (Ipv4Address::GetAny (), servPort)),
-                              "Protocol", TypeId::LookupByName ("ns3::Tcp"));
-  n2->AddApplication (sink);
-  sink->Start (Seconds (0.0));
-  sink->Stop (Seconds (100.0));
-  Simulator::Schedule(Seconds(0), &StartFlow, localSocket, nBytes,
-    servPort);
-  // Configure tracing of all enqueue, dequeue, and NetDevice receive events
-  // Trace output will be sent to the file
-  AsciiTrace asciitrace ("");
-  asciitrace.TraceAllQueues ();
-  asciitrace.TraceAllNetDeviceRx ();
-  // Also configure some tcpdump traces; each interface will be traced
-  // The output files will be named 
-  // simple-examples.pcap-<nodeId>-<interfaceId>
-  // and can be read by the "tcpdump -r" command (use "-tt" option to
-  // display timestamps correctly)
-  PcapTrace pcaptrace ("tcp-small-transfer.pcap");
-  pcaptrace.TraceAllIp ();
-  Config::ConnectWithoutContext ("/NodeList/*/ApplicationList/*/Rx", MakeCallback (&ApplicationTraceSink));
-  Simulator::StopAt (Seconds(1000));
-  Simulator::Run ();
-  Simulator::Destroy ();
--- a/examples/wscript	Sun Mar 30 22:39:27 2008 -0700
+++ b/examples/wscript	Mon Mar 31 12:22:05 2008 -0400
@@ -50,22 +50,6 @@
         ['point-to-point', 'internet-node'])
     obj.source = ''
-    obj = bld.create_ns3_program('tcp-large-transfer-errors',
-        ['point-to-point', 'internet-node'])
-    obj.source = ''
-    obj = bld.create_ns3_program('tcp-nonlistening-server',
-        ['point-to-point', 'internet-node'])
-    obj.source = ''
-    obj = bld.create_ns3_program('tcp-small-transfer',
-        ['point-to-point', 'internet-node'])
-    obj.source = ''
-    obj = bld.create_ns3_program('tcp-small-transfer-oneloss',
-        ['point-to-point', 'internet-node'])
-    obj.source = ''
     obj = bld.create_ns3_program('wifi-adhoc',
                                  ['core', 'simulator', 'mobility', 'wifi'])
     obj.source = ''