author Robert Ammon <>
Fri, 02 Jun 2017 14:45:29 +0200
changeset 12904 e949b994faad
parent 12753 3fbb703f257f
permissions -rw-r--r--
lte: Additional doxygen corrections (patch set 5)

/* -*-  Mode: C++; c-file-style: "gnu"; indent-tabs-mode:nil; -*- */
 * Copyright (c) 2012 Centre Tecnologic de Telecomunicacions de Catalunya (CTTC)
 * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
 * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as
 * published by the Free Software Foundation;
 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * GNU General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
 * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
 * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA
 * Author: Nicola Baldo <>

#ifndef EPC_MME_H
#define EPC_MME_H

#include <ns3/object.h>
#include <ns3/epc-s1ap-sap.h>
#include <ns3/epc-s11-sap.h>

#include <map>
#include <list>

namespace ns3 {

class Node;
class NetDevice;

 * \brief This object implements the MME functionality.
class EpcMme : public Object

  /// allow MemberEpcS1apSapMme<EpcMme> class friend access
  friend class MemberEpcS1apSapMme<EpcMme>;
  /// allow MemberEpcS11SapMme<EpcMme> class friend access
  friend class MemberEpcS11SapMme<EpcMme>;
   * Constructor
  EpcMme ();

   * Destructor
  virtual ~EpcMme ();
   * \brief Get the type ID.
   * \return the object TypeId
  static TypeId GetTypeId (void);
  virtual void DoDispose ();


   * \return the MME side of the S1-AP SAP 
  EpcS1apSapMme* GetS1apSapMme ();

   * Set the SGW side of the S11 SAP 
   * \param s the SGW side of the S11 SAP 
  void SetS11SapSgw (EpcS11SapSgw * s);

   * \return the MME side of the S11 SAP 
  EpcS11SapMme* GetS11SapMme ();

   * Add a new ENB to the MME. 
   * \param ecgi E-UTRAN Cell Global ID, the unique identifier of the eNodeB
   * \param enbS1UAddr address of the eNB for S1-U communications
   * \param enbS1apSap the ENB side of the S1-AP SAP 
  void AddEnb (uint16_t ecgi, Ipv4Address enbS1UAddr, EpcS1apSapEnb* enbS1apSap);
   * Add a new UE to the MME. This is the equivalent of storing the UE
   * credentials before the UE is ever turned on. 
   * \param imsi the unique identifier of the UE
  void AddUe (uint64_t imsi);

   * Add an EPS bearer to the list of bearers to be activated for this
   * UE. The bearer will be activated when the UE enters the ECM
   * connected state.
   * \param imsi UE identifier
   * \param tft traffic flow template of the bearer
   * \param bearer QoS characteristics of the bearer
   * \returns bearer ID 
  uint8_t AddBearer (uint64_t imsi, Ptr<EpcTft> tft, EpsBearer bearer);


  // S1-AP SAP MME forwarded methods
   * Initial UE Message function 
   * \param mmeUeS1Id the MME UE S1 ID
   * \param enbUeS1Id the ENB UE S1 ID
   * \param imsi the IMSI
   * \param ecgi the ECGI
  void DoInitialUeMessage (uint64_t mmeUeS1Id, uint16_t enbUeS1Id, uint64_t imsi, uint16_t ecgi);
   * Initial Context Setup Response function 
   * \param mmeUeS1Id the MME UE S1 ID
   * \param enbUeS1Id the ENB UE S1 ID
   * \param erabSetupList the ERAB setup list
  void DoInitialContextSetupResponse (uint64_t mmeUeS1Id, uint16_t enbUeS1Id, std::list<EpcS1apSapMme::ErabSetupItem> erabSetupList);
   * Path Switch Request function
   * \param mmeUeS1Id the MME UE S1 ID
   * \param enbUeS1Id the ENB UE S1 ID
   * \param cgi the CGI
   * \param erabToBeSwitchedInDownlinkList the ERAB to be switched in downlink list
  void DoPathSwitchRequest (uint64_t enbUeS1Id, uint64_t mmeUeS1Id, uint16_t cgi, std::list<EpcS1apSapMme::ErabSwitchedInDownlinkItem> erabToBeSwitchedInDownlinkList);
   * ERAB Release Indication function
   * \param mmeUeS1Id the MME UE S1 ID
   * \param enbUeS1Id the ENB UE S1 ID
   * \param erabToBeReleaseIndication the ERAB to be release indication list
  void DoErabReleaseIndication (uint64_t mmeUeS1Id, uint16_t enbUeS1Id, std::list<EpcS1apSapMme::ErabToBeReleasedIndication> erabToBeReleaseIndication);

  // S11 SAP MME forwarded methods
   * Create Session Response function
   * \param msg EpcS11SapMme::CreateSessionResponseMessage
  void DoCreateSessionResponse (EpcS11SapMme::CreateSessionResponseMessage msg);
   * Modify Bearer Response function
   * \param msg EpcS11SapMme::ModifyBearerResponseMessage
  void DoModifyBearerResponse (EpcS11SapMme::ModifyBearerResponseMessage msg);
   * Delete Bearer Request function
   * \param msg EpcS11SapMme::DeleteBearerRequestMessage
  void DoDeleteBearerRequest (EpcS11SapMme::DeleteBearerRequestMessage msg);

   * Hold info on an EPS bearer to be activated
  struct BearerInfo
    Ptr<EpcTft> tft;  ///< traffic flow template
    EpsBearer bearer; ///< bearer QOS characteristics 
    uint8_t bearerId; ///< bearer ID
   * Hold info on a UE
  struct UeInfo : public SimpleRefCount<UeInfo>
    uint64_t mmeUeS1Id; ///< mmeUeS1Id
    uint16_t enbUeS1Id; ///< enbUeS1Id
    uint64_t imsi; ///< UE identifier
    uint16_t cellId; ///< cell ID
    std::list<BearerInfo> bearersToBeActivated; ///< list of bearers to be activated
    uint16_t bearerCounter; ///< bearer counter

   * UeInfo stored by IMSI
  std::map<uint64_t, Ptr<UeInfo> > m_ueInfoMap;

   * \brief This Function erases all contexts of bearer from MME side
   * \param ueInfo UE information pointer
   * \param epsBearerId Bearer Id which need to be removed corresponding to UE
  void RemoveBearer (Ptr<UeInfo> ueInfo, uint8_t epsBearerId);

   * Hold info on a ENB
  struct EnbInfo : public SimpleRefCount<EnbInfo>
    uint16_t gci; ///< GCI
    Ipv4Address s1uAddr; ///< IP address
    EpcS1apSapEnb* s1apSapEnb; ///< EpcS1apSapEnb

   * EnbInfo stored by EGCI
  std::map<uint16_t, Ptr<EnbInfo> > m_enbInfoMap;


  EpcS1apSapMme* m_s1apSapMme; ///< EpcS1apSapMme

  EpcS11SapMme* m_s11SapMme; ///< EpcS11SapMme
  EpcS11SapSgw* m_s11SapSgw; ///< EpcS11SapSgw

} // namespace ns3

#endif // EPC_MME_H