author Tom Henderson <tomh@tomh.org>
Sat, 17 May 2008 12:08:20 -0700
changeset 3125 d2d8a36cfd23
parent 2503 e667dc0f350e
permissions -rw-r--r--

/* -*- Mode:C++; c-file-style:"gnu"; indent-tabs-mode:nil; -*- */

#include <vector>

#include "ns3/ptr.h"
#include "ns3/mobility-model.h"
#include "ns3/mobility-model-notifier.h"
#include "ns3/position-allocator.h"
#include "ns3/default-value.h"
#include "ns3/command-line.h"
#include "ns3/command-line.h"
#include "ns3/simulator.h"
#include "ns3/nstime.h"
#include "ns3/node.h"
#include "ns3/node-list.h"
#include "ns3/rectangle-default-value.h"
#include "ns3/type-id-default-value.h"
#include "ns3/mobility-helper.h"

#include "mobility-visualizer.h"

using namespace ns3;

static Time g_sampleInterval = Seconds (SAMPLE_INTERVAL);
static uint32_t g_numNodes = 10;

template <typename T>
static const T* DefaultValueListGet (const std::string &name)
  for (DefaultValueList::Iterator iter = DefaultValueList::Begin ();
       iter != DefaultValueList::End (); iter++)
      const DefaultValueBase *value = *iter;
      if (value->GetName () == name)
          return dynamic_cast<const T*> (value);
  return NULL;

static void 
Sample ()
  ViewUpdateData *data = new ViewUpdateData;
  for (NodeList::Iterator nodeIter = NodeList::Begin (); nodeIter != NodeList::End (); nodeIter++)
      Ptr<Node> node = *nodeIter;
      Ptr<MobilityModel> mobility = node->GetObject<MobilityModel> ();
      Vector pos = mobility->GetPosition ();
      Vector vel = mobility->GetVelocity ();

      NodeUpdate update;
      update.node = PeekPointer<Node> (node);
      update.x = pos.x;
      update.y = pos.y;
      update.vx = vel.x;
      update.vy = vel.y;
      data->updateList.push_back (update);
  data->time = Simulator::Now ().GetSeconds ();
  view_update (data);
  Simulator::Schedule (g_sampleInterval, Sample);

int model_init (int argc, char *argv[], double *x1, double *y1, double *x2, double *y2)
  DefaultValue::Bind ("RandomWalk2dMode", "Time");
  DefaultValue::Bind ("RandomWalk2dTime", "5s");
  DefaultValue::Bind ("RandomWalk2dSpeed", "Constant:20.0");
  DefaultValue::Bind ("RandomDirection2dSpeed", "Uniform:10.0:20.0");
  DefaultValue::Bind ("RandomWalk2dBounds", "0:400:0:300");
  DefaultValue::Bind ("RandomDirection2dArea", "0:400:0:300");
  DefaultValue::Bind ("RandomWaypointSpeed", "Uniform:10:30");

//   DefaultValue::Bind ("RandomDiscPositionX", "100");
//   DefaultValue::Bind ("RandomDiscPositionY", "50");
//   DefaultValue::Bind ("RandomDiscPositionRho", "Uniform:0:30");

  DefaultValue::Bind ("RandomTopologyPositionType", "RandomRectanglePosition");
  DefaultValue::Bind ("RandomTopologyMobilityType", "RandomWalkMobilityModel");

//   CommandLine::AddArgValue ("sample-interval","sample interval", g_sampleInterval);
//   CommandLine::AddArgValue ("num-nodes","number of nodes", g_numNodes);

  CommandLine::Parse (argc, argv);

  MobilityHelper mobility;

  for (uint32_t i = 0; i < g_numNodes; i++)
      Ptr<Node> node = CreateObject<Node> ();

  mobility.EnableNotifier ();
  mobility.Layout (NodeList::Begin (), NodeList::End ());

  Simulator::Schedule (g_sampleInterval, Sample);

  // XXX: The following is not really going to work with the params.

  if (mobility.GetMobilityModelType () == "RandomWalk2dMobilityModel")
      Rectangle bounds = DefaultValueListGet<RectangleDefaultValue> ("RandomWalk2dBounds")->GetValue ();
      *x1 = bounds.xMin;
      *y1 = bounds.yMin;
      *x2 = bounds.xMax;
      *y2 = bounds.yMax;
      std::cout << "RECT " << bounds.xMin << " " << bounds.xMax << " "
                << bounds.yMin << " " << bounds.yMax << std::endl;
  else if (mobility.GetMobilityModelType () == "RandomDirection2dMobilityModel")
      Rectangle bounds = DefaultValueListGet<RectangleDefaultValue> ("RandomDirection2dArea")->GetValue ();
      *x1 = bounds.xMin;
      *y1 = bounds.yMin;
      *x2 = bounds.xMax;
      *y2 = bounds.yMax;
      std::cout << "RECT " << bounds.xMin << " " << bounds.xMax << " "
                << bounds.yMin << " " << bounds.yMax << std::endl;      
  else if (mobility.GetMobilityModelType () == "RandomWaypointMobilityModel")
      std::cerr << "bounds for RandomWaypointMobilityModel not implemented" << std::endl;
      //ClassId posType = DefaultValueList::Get<ClassIdDefaultValue> ("RandomWaypointPosition")->GetValue ();
      std::cout << "?" << std::endl; // too hard to represent an abstract/probabilistic model graphically
      NS_FATAL_ERROR ("mobility type " << mobility.GetMobilityModelType () << " not supported");

  std::cerr << g_sampleInterval << std::endl;
  return 0;