add scons build
authorMathieu Lacage <>
Tue, 29 Aug 2006 17:34:37 +0200
changeset 8 cb4ae01ba180
parent 7 e53ac3c458e9
child 9 2c31ae7c94db
add scons build
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/SConstruct	Tue Aug 29 17:34:37 2006 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,660 @@
+import os
+import os.path
+import shutil
+class Ns3Module:
+	def __init__ (self, name, dir):
+		self.sources = []
+		self.inst_headers = []
+		self.headers = []
+		self.extra_dist = []
+		self.deps = []
+		self.external_deps = []
+		self.config = []
+ = name
+		self.dir = dir
+		self.executable = False
+		self.library = True
+	def set_library (self):
+		self.library = True
+		self.executable = False
+	def set_executable (self):
+		self.library = False
+		self.executable = True
+	def add_config (self, config_fn):
+		self.config.append (config_fn)
+	def add_extra_dist (self, dist):
+		self.extra_dist.append (dist)
+	def add_external_dep (self, dep):
+		self.external_deps.append (dep)
+	def add_dep (self, dep):
+		self.deps.append (dep)
+	def add_deps (self, deps):
+		self.deps.extend (deps)
+	def add_source (self, source):
+		self.sources.append (source)
+	def add_sources (self, sources):
+		self.sources.extend (sources)
+	def add_header (self, header):
+		self.headers.append (header)
+	def add_headers (self, headers):
+		self.headers.extend (headers)
+	def add_inst_header (self, header):
+		self.inst_headers.append (header)
+	def add_inst_headers (self, headers):
+		self.inst_headers.extend (headers)
+def MyCopyAction (target, source, env):
+	try:
+		if len (target) == len (source):
+			for i in range (len(target)):
+				shutil.copy (source[i].path, target[i].path)
+			return 0
+		else:
+			return 'invalid target/source match'
+	except:
+		print
+		return 'exception'
+def MyCopyActionPrint (target, source, env):
+	if len (target) == len (source):
+		output = ''
+		for i in range (len(target)):
+			output = output + 'copy \'' + source[i].path + '\' to \'' + target[i].path  + '\''
+			if i < len (target) - 1:
+				output = output + '\n'
+		return output
+	else:
+		return 'error in copy'
+def GcxxEmitter (target, source, env):
+	if os.path.exists (source[0].path):
+		return [target, source]
+	else:
+		return [[], []]
+def MyRmTree (target, source, env):
+	shutil.rmtree (env['RM_DIR'])
+	return 0
+def MyRmTreePrint (target, source, env):
+	return ''
+def print_cmd_line(s, target, src, env):
+	print 'Building ' + (' and '.join([str(x) for x in target])) + '...'
+class Ns3BuildVariant:
+	def __init__ (self):
+		self.static = False
+		self.gcxx_deps = False
+		self.gcxx_root = ''
+		self.build_root = ''
+		self.env = None
+class Ns3:
+	def __init__ (self):
+		self.__modules = []
+		self.extra_dist = []
+		self.build_dir = 'build'
+		self.version = '0.0.1'
+ = 'noname'
+	def add (self, module):
+		self.__modules.append (module)
+	def add_extra_dist (self, dist):
+		self.extra_dist.append (dist)
+	def __get_module (self, name):
+		for module in self.__modules:
+			if == name:
+				return module
+		return None
+	def get_mod_output (self, module, variant):
+		if module.executable:
+			suffix = variant.env.subst (variant.env['PROGSUFFIX'])
+			filename = os.path.join (variant.build_root, 'bin',
+ + suffix)
+		else:
+			if variant.static:
+				prefix = variant.env['LIBPREFIX']
+				suffix = variant.env['LIBSUFFIX']
+			else:
+				prefix = variant.env['SHLIBPREFIX']
+				suffix = variant.env['SHLIBSUFFIX']
+			prefix = variant.env.subst (prefix)
+			suffix = variant.env.subst (suffix)
+			filename = os.path.join (variant.build_root, 'lib',
+						 prefix + + suffix)
+		return filename				
+	def get_obj_builders (self, variant, module):
+		env = variant.env
+		objects = []
+		if len (module.config) > 0:
+			src_config_file = os.path.join (self.build_dir, 'config', + '-config.h')
+			tgt_config_file = os.path.join (variant.build_root, 'include',
+							'ns3', + '-config.h')
+		for source in module.sources:
+			obj_file = os.path.splitext (source)[0] + '.o'
+			tgt = os.path.join (variant.build_root, module.dir, obj_file)
+			src = os.path.join (module.dir, source)
+			if variant.static:
+				obj_builder = env.StaticObject (target = tgt, source = src)
+			else:
+				obj_builder = env.SharedObject (target = tgt, source = src)
+			if len (module.config) > 0:
+				config_file = env.MyCopyBuilder (target = [tgt_config_file],
+								 source = [src_config_file])
+				env.Depends (obj_builder, config_file)
+			if variant.gcxx_deps:
+				gcno_tgt = os.path.join (variant.build_root, module.dir, 
+							 os.path.splitext (source)[0] + '.gcno')
+				gcda_tgt = os.path.join (variant.build_root, module.dir,
+							 os.path.splitext (source)[0] + '.gcda')
+				gcda_src = os.path.join (variant.gcxx_root, module.dir, 
+							 os.path.splitext (source)[0] + '.gcda')
+				gcno_src = os.path.join (variant.gcxx_root, module.dir, 
+							 os.path.splitext (source)[0] + '.gcno')
+				gcno_builder = env.CopyGcxxBuilder (target = gcno_tgt, source = gcno_src)
+				gcda_builder = env.CopyGcxxBuilder (target = gcda_tgt, source = gcda_src)
+				env.Depends (obj_builder, gcda_builder)
+				env.Depends (obj_builder, gcno_builder)
+			objects.append (obj_builder)
+		return objects
+	def get_internal_deps (self, module, hash):
+		for dep_name in module.deps:
+			dep = self.__get_module (dep_name)
+			hash[dep_name] = dep
+			self.get_internal_deps (dep, hash)
+	def get_external_deps (self, module):
+		hash = {}
+		self.get_internal_deps (module, hash)
+		ext_hash = {}
+		for mod in hash.values ():
+			for ext_dep in mod.external_deps:
+				ext_hash[ext_dep] = 1
+		return ext_hash.keys ()
+	def get_sorted_deps (self, module):
+		h = {}
+		self.get_internal_deps (module, h)
+		modules = []
+		for dep in h.keys ():
+			deps_copy = []
+			mod = h[dep]
+			deps_copy.extend (mod.deps)
+			modules.append ([mod, deps_copy])
+		sorted = []
+		while len (modules) > 0:
+			to_remove = []
+			for item in modules:
+				if len (item[1]) == 0:
+					to_remove.append (item[0].name)
+			for item in to_remove:
+				for i in modules:
+					if item in i[1]:
+						i[1].remove (item)
+			new_modules = []
+			for mod in modules:
+				found = False
+				for i in to_remove:
+					if i == mod[0].name:
+						found = True
+						break
+				if not found:
+					new_modules.append (mod)
+			modules = new_modules
+			sorted.extend (to_remove)
+		sorted.reverse ()
+		# append external deps
+		ext_deps = self.get_external_deps (module)
+		for dep in ext_deps:
+			sorted.append (dep)
+		return sorted
+	def gen_mod_dep (self, variant):
+		build_root = variant.build_root
+		cpp_path = os.path.join (variant.build_root, 'include')
+		env = variant.env
+		env.Append (CPPPATH=[cpp_path])
+		header_dir = os.path.join (build_root, 'include', 'ns3')
+		lib_path = os.path.join (build_root, 'lib')
+		module_builders = []
+		for module in self.__modules:
+			objects = self.get_obj_builders (variant, module)
+			libs = self.get_sorted_deps (module)
+			filename = self.get_mod_output (module, variant)
+			if module.executable:
+				module_builder = env.Program (target = filename, source = objects,
+							      LIBPATH=lib_path, LIBS=libs, RPATH=lib_path)
+			else:
+				if variant.static:
+					module_builder = env.StaticLibrary (target = filename, source = objects)
+				else:
+					module_builder = env.SharedLibrary (target = filename, source = objects,
+									    LIBPATH=lib_path, LIBS=libs)
+			for dep_name in module.deps:
+				dep = self.__get_module (dep_name)
+				env.Depends (module_builder, self.get_mod_output (dep, variant))
+			for header in module.inst_headers:
+				tgt = os.path.join (header_dir, header)
+				src = os.path.join (module.dir, header)
+				#builder = env.Install (target = tgt, source = src)
+				header_builder = env.MyCopyBuilder (target = tgt, source = src)
+				env.Depends (module_builder, header_builder)
+			module_builders.append (module_builder)
+		return module_builders
+	def gen_mod_config (self, env):
+		config_dir = os.path.join (self.build_dir, 'config')
+		for module in self.__modules:
+			if len (module.config) > 0:
+				config_file = os.path.join (config_dir, + '-config.h')
+				config_file_guard = + '_CONFIG_H'
+				config_file_guard.upper ()
+				if not os.path.isfile (config_file):
+					if not os.path.isdir (config_dir):
+						os.makedirs (config_dir)
+					outfile = open (config_file, 'w')
+					outfile.write ('#ifndef ' + config_file_guard + '\n')
+					outfile.write ('#define ' + config_file_guard + '\n')
+					config = env.Configure ()
+					for fn in module.config:
+						output = fn (env, config)
+						for o in output:
+							outfile.write (o)
+							outfile.write ('\n')
+					outfile.write ('#endif /*' + config_file_guard + '*/\n')
+					config.Finish ()
+	def generate_dependencies (self):
+		env = Environment()
+		self.gen_mod_config (env)
+		cc = env['CC']
+		cxx = env.subst (env['CXX'])
+		if cc == 'cl' and cxx == 'cl':
+			env = Environment (tools = ['mingw'])
+			cc = env['CC']
+			cxx = env.subst (env['CXX'])
+		if cc == 'gcc' and cxx == 'g++':
+			common_flags = ['-g3', '-Wall', '-Werror']
+			debug_flags = []
+			opti_flags = ['-O3']
+		elif cc == 'cl' and cxx == 'cl':
+			env = Environment (ENV = os.environ)
+			common_flags = []
+			debug_flags = ['-W1', '-GX', '-EHsc', '-D_DEBUG', '/MDd']
+			opti_flags = ['-O2', '-EHsc', '-DNDEBUG', '/MD']
+		env.Append (CCFLAGS=common_flags,
+			    TARFLAGS='-c -z')
+		verbose = ARGUMENTS.get('verbose', 'n')
+		if verbose == 'n':
+			env['PRINT_CMD_LINE_FUNC'] = print_cmd_line
+		header_builder = Builder (action = Action (MyCopyAction, strfunction = MyCopyActionPrint))
+		env.Append (BUILDERS = {'MyCopyBuilder':header_builder})
+		gcxx_builder = Builder (action = Action (MyCopyAction, strfunction = MyCopyActionPrint),
+					emitter = GcxxEmitter)
+		env.Append (BUILDERS = {'CopyGcxxBuilder':gcxx_builder})
+		variant = Ns3BuildVariant ()
+		builders = []
+		gcov_env = env.Copy ()
+		gcov_env.Append (CFLAGS=['-fprofile-arcs', '-ftest-coverage'],
+				 CXXFLAGS=['-fprofile-arcs', '-ftest-coverage'],
+				 LINKFLAGS=['-fprofile-arcs'])
+		# code coverage analysis
+		variant.static = False
+		variant.env = gcov_env
+		variant.build_root = os.path.join (self.build_dir, 'gcov')
+		builders = self.gen_mod_dep (variant)
+		for builder in builders:
+			gcov_env.Alias ('gcov', builder)
+		opt_env = env.Copy ()
+		opt_env.Append (CFLAGS=opti_flags,
+				CXXFLAGS=opti_flags,
+		# optimized static support
+		variant.static = True
+		variant.env = opt_env
+		variant.build_root = os.path.join (self.build_dir, 'opt-static')
+		builders = self.gen_mod_dep (variant)
+		for builder in builders:
+			opt_env.Alias ('opt-static', builder)
+		opt_env = env.Copy ()
+		opt_env.Append (CFLAGS=opti_flags,
+				CXXFLAGS=opti_flags,
+		# optimized shared support
+		variant.static = False
+		variant.env = opt_env
+		variant.build_root = os.path.join (self.build_dir, 'opt-shared')
+		builders = self.gen_mod_dep (variant)
+		for builder in builders:
+			opt_env.Alias ('opt-shared', builder)
+		arc_env = env.Copy ()
+		arc_env.Append (CFLAGS=opti_flags,
+				CXXFLAGS=opti_flags,
+		arc_env.Append (CFLAGS=['-frandom-seed=0','-fprofile-generate'],
+				CXXFLAGS=['-frandom-seed=0','-fprofile-generate'],
+				LINKFLAGS=['-frandom-seed=0', '-fprofile-generate'])
+		# arc profiling
+		variant.static = False
+		variant.env = arc_env
+		variant.build_root = os.path.join (self.build_dir, 'opt-arc')
+		builders = self.gen_mod_dep (variant)
+		for builder in builders:
+			arc_env.Alias ('opt-arc', builder)
+		arcrebuild_env = env.Copy ()
+		arcrebuild_env.Append (CFLAGS=opti_flags,
+				       CXXFLAGS=opti_flags,
+				       CPPDEFINES=['NDEBUG'])
+		arcrebuild_env.Append (CFLAGS=['-frandom-seed=0', '-fprofile-use'],
+				       CXXFLAGS=['-frandom-seed=0', '-fprofile-use'],
+				       LINKFLAGS=['-frandom-seed=0','-fprofile-use'])
+		# arc rebuild
+		variant.static = False
+		variant.env = arcrebuild_env
+		variant.gcxx_deps = True
+		variant.gcxx_root = os.path.join (self.build_dir, 'opt-arc')
+		variant.build_root = os.path.join (self.build_dir, 'opt-arc-rebuild')
+		builders = self.gen_mod_dep (variant)
+		for builder in builders:
+			arcrebuild_env.Alias ('opt-arc-rebuild', builder)
+		variant.gcxx_deps = False
+		dbg_env = env.Copy ()
+		env.Append (CFLAGS=debug_flags,
+			    CXXFLAGS=debug_flags,)
+		# debug static support
+		variant.static = True
+		variant.env = dbg_env
+		variant.build_root = os.path.join (self.build_dir, 'dbg-static')
+		builders = self.gen_mod_dep (variant)
+		for builder in builders:
+			dbg_env.Alias ('dbg-static', builder)
+		dbg_env = env.Copy ()
+		env.Append (CFLAGS=debug_flags,
+			    CXXFLAGS=debug_flags,)
+		# debug shared support
+		variant.static = False
+		variant.env = dbg_env
+		variant.build_root = os.path.join (self.build_dir, 'dbg-shared')
+		builders = self.gen_mod_dep (variant)
+		for builder in builders:
+			dbg_env.Alias ('dbg-shared', builder)
+		env.Alias ('dbg', 'dbg-shared')
+		env.Alias ('opt', 'opt-shared')
+		env.Default ('dbg')
+		env.Alias ('all', ['dbg-shared', 'dbg-static', 'opt-shared', 'opt-static'])
+		# dist support
+		dist_env = env.Copy ()
+		if dist_env['PLATFORM'] == 'posix':
+			dist_list = []
+			for module in self.__modules:
+				for f in module.sources:
+					dist_list.append (os.path.join (module.dir, f))
+				for f in module.headers:
+					dist_list.append (os.path.join (module.dir, f))
+				for f in module.inst_headers:
+					dist_list.append (os.path.join (module.dir, f))
+				for f in module.extra_dist:
+					dist_list.append (os.path.join (module.dir, f))
+			for f in self.extra_dist:
+				dist_list.append (tag, f)
+			dist_list.append ('SConstruct')
+			targets = []
+			basename = + '-' + self.version
+			for src in dist_list:
+				tgt = os.path.join (basename, src)
+				targets.append (dist_env.MyCopyBuilder (target = tgt, source = src))
+			tar = basename + '.tar.gz'
+			zip = basename + '.zip'
+			tmp_tar = os.path.join (self.build_dir, tar)
+			tmp_zip = os.path.join (self.build_dir, zip)
+			dist_tgt = [tar, zip]
+			dist_src = [tmp_tar, tmp_zip]
+			dist_env.Tar (tmp_tar, targets)
+			dist_env.Zip (tmp_zip, targets)
+			dist_builder = dist_env.MyCopyBuilder (target = dist_tgt, source = dist_src)
+			dist_env.Alias ('dist', dist_builder)
+			dist_env.Append (RM_DIR=basename)
+			dist_env.AddPostAction (dist_builder, dist_env.Action (MyRmTree,
+									       strfunction = MyRmTreePrint))
+			dist_builder = dist_env.MyCopyBuilder (target = dist_tgt, source = dist_src)
+			dist_env.Alias ('fastdist', dist_tgt)
+			# distcheck
+			distcheck_list = []
+			for src in dist_list:
+				tgt = os.path.join (self.build_dir, basename, src)
+				distcheck_list.append (tgt)
+			untar = env.Command (distcheck_list, tar,
+					     ['cd ' + self.build_dir + ' && tar -zxf ../' + tar])
+			scons_dir = os.path.join (self.build_dir, basename)
+			distcheck_builder = env.Command ('x',distcheck_list,
+							 ['cd ' + scons_dir + ' && scons'])
+			env.AlwaysBuild (distcheck_builder)
+			env.Alias ('distcheck', distcheck_builder)
+ns3 = Ns3 ()
+ns3.build_dir = 'build-dir'
+ns3.version = '0.0.1' = 'ns3'
+# The Core module
+core = Ns3Module ('core', 'src/core')
+ns3.add (core)
+core.add_sources ([
+        '',
+        '',
+        ''
+	])
+env = Environment ()
+if env['PLATFORM'] == 'posix':
+	core.add_external_dep ('pthread')
+	core.add_sources ([
+		'',
+		'',
+		'',
+		'',
+		'',
+		''
+		])
+elif env['PLATFORM'] == 'win32':
+	core.add_sources ([
+		'',
+		'',
+		'',
+		'',
+		''
+		])
+core.add_inst_headers ([
+	'system-semaphore.h',
+        'system-thread.h',
+        'system-mutex.h',
+	'system-file.h',
+        'exec-commands.h',
+        'wall-clock-ms.h',
+        'reference-list.h',
+        'callback.h',
+        'test.h'
+	])
+# The Simu module
+simu = Ns3Module ('simulator', 'src/simulator')
+ns3.add (simu)
+simu.add_dep ('core')
+simu.add_sources ([
+	'', 
+	'',
+        '',
+        '',
+        '',
+        '',
+        '',
+        '',
+	])
+simu.add_headers ([
+	'scheduler.h',
+	'scheduler-heap.h',
+	'scheduler-map.h',
+	'scheduler-list.h'
+	])
+simu.add_inst_headers ([
+	'event.h',
+	'event-impl.h',
+	'simulator.h',
+	'event.tcc'
+	])
+# The Common module
+common = Ns3Module ('common', 'src/common')
+common.add_deps (['core', 'simulator'])
+ns3.add (common)
+common.add_sources ([
+	'',
+	'',
+	'',
+	'',
+	'',
+	'',
+	'',
+	'',
+	'',
+	'',
+	'',
+	'',
+	'',
+	'',
+	'',
+	'',
+	'',
+	'',
+	'',
+	'',
+	'',
+	'',
+	'',
+	'',
+	'',
+	'',
+	''
+	])
+common.add_inst_headers ([
+	'ipv4-address.h',
+	'buffer.h',
+	'chunk.h',
+	'tags.h',
+	'packet.h',
+	'ipv4-network-interface.h',
+	'count-ptr-holder.tcc',
+	'ui-traced-variable.tcc',
+	'si-traced-variable.tcc',
+	'f-traced-variable.tcc',
+	'callback-logger.h',
+	'trace-container.h',
+	'packet-logger.h',
+	'chunk-constant-data.h',
+	'mac-address.h',
+	'chunk-utils.h',
+	'sgi-hashmap.h',
+	'llc-snap-encapsulation.h',
+	'mac-network-interface.h',
+	'population-analysis.h',
+	'position.h',
+	'random-uniform.h',
+	'timeout.h',
+	'trace-stream.h',
+	'pcap-writer.h',
+	'mac-address-factory.h',
+	'static-position.h',
+	'utils.h'
+	])
+common.add_headers ([
+	'chunk-llc-snap.h',
+	'ref-ptr.h',
+	'rng-mrg32k3a.h',
+	'seed-generator.h',
+	'static-speed-position.h'
+	])
+# utils
+run_tests = Ns3Module ('run-tests', 'utils')
+ns3.add (run_tests)
+run_tests.set_executable ()
+run_tests.add_deps (['core', 'simulator', 'common', 'ipv4', 'arp', 'ethernet', '80211'])
+run_tests.add_source ('')
+bench_packets = Ns3Module ('bench-packets', 'utils')
+#ns3.add (bench_packets)
+bench_packets.set_executable ()
+bench_packets.add_dep ('core')
+bench_packets.add_source ('')
+bench_simu = Ns3Module ('bench-simulator', 'utils')
+ns3.add (bench_simu)
+bench_simu.set_executable ()
+bench_simu.add_dep ('simulator')
+bench_simu.add_source ('')
+# samples
+main_callback = Ns3Module ('main-callback', 'samples')
+main_callback.set_executable ()
+ns3.add (main_callback)
+main_callback.add_dep ('core')
+main_callback.add_source ('')
+main_event = Ns3Module ('main-event', 'samples')
+main_event.set_executable ()
+ns3.add (main_event)
+main_event.add_dep ('simulator')
+main_event.add_source ('')
+main_trace = Ns3Module ('main-trace', 'samples')
+ns3.add (main_trace)
+main_trace.add_dep ('common')
+main_trace.set_executable ()
+main_trace.add_source ('')
+main_simu = Ns3Module ('main-simulator', 'samples')
+ns3.add (main_simu)
+main_simu.set_executable ()
+main_simu.add_dep ('simulator')
+main_simu.add_source ('')
+main_packet = Ns3Module ('main-packet', 'samples')
+ns3.add (main_packet)
+main_packet.set_executable ()
+main_packet.add_dep ('common')
+main_packet.add_source ('')
+ns3.generate_dependencies ()