author Mathieu Lacage <>
Wed, 12 Mar 2008 11:35:00 -0700
changeset 2599 fcc1728eb669
parent 2594 a8f89acd17a1
child 2602 d9262bff6df2
permissions -rw-r--r--
Add sufficient information to AttributeChecker to generate nice-looking doxygen documentation.

/* -*- Mode:C++; c-file-style:"gnu"; indent-tabs-mode:nil; -*- */
 * Copyright (c) 2008 INRIA
 * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
 * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as
 * published by the Free Software Foundation;
 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * GNU General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
 * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
 * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA
 * Authors: Mathieu Lacage <>
#include "test.h"
#include "object.h"
#include "boolean.h"
#include "integer.h"
#include "uinteger.h"
#include "enum.h"
#include "string.h"
#include "random-variable.h"
#include "double.h"
#include "object-vector.h"
#include "traced-value.h"
#include "trace-source-accessor.h"

namespace ns3 {

class ValueClassTest 
  ValueClassTest () {}
  int m_v;
bool operator != (const ValueClassTest &a, const ValueClassTest &b)
  return true;
std::ostream & operator << (std::ostream &os, ValueClassTest v)
  return os;
std::istream & operator >> (std::istream &is, ValueClassTest &v)
  return is;

class AttributeTest : public Test
  AttributeTest ();
  virtual bool RunTests (void);
  void NotifySource1 (int8_t old, int8_t n) {
    m_got1 = n;
  void NotifySource2 (double a, int b, float c) {
    m_got2 = a;
  void NotifySourceValue (ValueClassTest old, ValueClassTest n) {
    m_gotValue = n;
  int64_t m_got1;
  double m_got2;
  ValueClassTest m_gotValue;

class Derived : public Object
  static TypeId GetTypeId (void) {
    static TypeId tid = TypeId ("Derived")
      .SetParent<Object> ()
    return tid;

class AttributeObjectTest : public Object
  enum TestEnum {
  static TypeId GetTypeId (void) {
    static TypeId tid = TypeId ("AttributeObjectTest")
      .SetParent<Object> ()
      .AddAttribute ("TestBoolName", "help text",
		     Boolean (false),
		     MakeBooleanAccessor (&AttributeObjectTest::m_boolTest),
		     MakeBooleanChecker ())
      .AddAttribute ("TestBoolA", "help text",
		     Boolean (false),
		     MakeBooleanAccessor (&AttributeObjectTest::DoSetTestB,
		     MakeBooleanChecker ())
      .AddAttribute ("TestPtr", "help text", 
		     Ptr<Derived> (0),
		     MakePtrAccessor (&AttributeObjectTest::m_derived),
		     MakePtrChecker<Derived> ())
      .AddAttribute ("TestInt16", "help text",
		     Integer (-2),
		     MakeIntegerAccessor (&AttributeObjectTest::m_int16),
		     MakeIntegerChecker<int16_t> ())
      .AddAttribute ("TestInt16WithBounds", "help text",
		     Integer (-2),
		     MakeIntegerAccessor (&AttributeObjectTest::m_int16WithBounds),
		     MakeIntegerChecker<int16_t> (-5, 10))
      .AddAttribute ("TestInt16SetGet", "help text",
		     Integer (6),
		     MakeIntegerAccessor (&AttributeObjectTest::DoSetInt16,
		     MakeIntegerChecker<int16_t> ())
      .AddAttribute ("TestUint8", "help text",
		     Uinteger (1),
		     MakeUintegerAccessor (&AttributeObjectTest::m_uint8),
		     MakeUintegerChecker<uint8_t> ())
      .AddAttribute ("TestEnum", "help text",
		     Enum (TEST_A),
		     MakeEnumAccessor (&AttributeObjectTest::m_enum),
		     MakeEnumChecker (TEST_A, "TestA",
				      TEST_B, "TestB",
				      TEST_C, "TestC"))
      .AddAttribute ("TestRandom", "help text",
		     ConstantVariable (1.0),
		     MakeRandomVariableAccessor (&AttributeObjectTest::m_random),
		     MakeRandomVariableChecker ())
      .AddAttribute ("TestFloat", "help text",
		     Double (-1.1),
		     MakeDoubleAccessor (&AttributeObjectTest::m_float),
		     MakeDoubleChecker<float> ())
      .AddAttribute ("TestVector1", "help text",
		     ObjectVector (),
		     MakeObjectVectorAccessor (&AttributeObjectTest::m_vector1),
		     MakeObjectVectorChecker ())
      .AddAttribute ("TestVector2", "help text",
		     ObjectVector (),
		     MakeObjectVectorAccessor (&AttributeObjectTest::DoGetVectorN,
		     MakeObjectVectorChecker ())
      .AddAttribute ("IntegerTraceSource1", "help text",
		     Integer (-2),
		     MakeIntegerAccessor (&AttributeObjectTest::m_intSrc1),
		     MakeIntegerChecker<int8_t> ())
      .AddAttribute ("IntegerTraceSource2", "help text",
		     Integer (-2),
		     MakeIntegerAccessor (&AttributeObjectTest::DoSetIntSrc,
		     MakeIntegerChecker<int8_t> ())
      .AddAttribute ("ValueClassSource", "help text",
		     ValueClassTest (),
		     MakeValueClassTestAccessor (&AttributeObjectTest::m_valueSrc),
		     MakeValueClassTestChecker ())
      .AddTraceSource ("Source1", "help test",
		       MakeTraceSourceAccessor (&AttributeObjectTest::m_intSrc1))
      .AddTraceSource ("Source2", "help text",
		       MakeTraceSourceAccessor (&AttributeObjectTest::m_cb))
      .AddTraceSource ("ValueSource", "help text",
		       MakeTraceSourceAccessor (&AttributeObjectTest::m_valueSrc))
    return tid;

  void AddToVector1 (void) {
    m_vector1.push_back (CreateObject<Derived> ());
  void AddToVector2 (void) {
    m_vector2.push_back (CreateObject<Derived> ());

  void InvokeCb (double a, int b, float c) {
    m_cb (a,b,c);

  void DoSetTestB (bool v) {
    m_boolTestA = v;
  bool DoGetTestB (void) const {
    return m_boolTestA;
  int16_t DoGetInt16 (void) const {
    return m_int16SetGet;
  void DoSetInt16 (int16_t v) {
    m_int16SetGet = v;
  uint32_t DoGetVectorN (void) const {
    return m_vector2.size ();
  Ptr<Derived> DoGetVector (uint32_t i) const {
    return m_vector2[i];
  void DoSetIntSrc (int8_t v) {
    m_intSrc2 = v;
  int8_t DoGetIntSrc (void) const {
    return m_intSrc2;
  bool m_boolTestA;
  bool m_boolTest;
  Ptr<Derived> m_derived;
  int16_t m_int16;
  int16_t m_int16WithBounds;
  int16_t m_int16SetGet;
  uint8_t m_uint8;
  float m_float;
  enum TestEnum m_enum;
  RandomVariable m_random;
  std::vector<Ptr<Derived> > m_vector1;
  std::vector<Ptr<Derived> > m_vector2;
  TracedValue<int8_t> m_intSrc1;
  TracedValue<int8_t> m_intSrc2;
  TracedCallback<double, int, float> m_cb;
  TracedValue<ValueClassTest> m_valueSrc;

#define CHECK_GET_STR(p,name,value)		\
  {						\
    std::string expected = value;		\
    std::string got;				\
    bool ok = p->GetAttribute (name, got);	\
    NS_TEST_ASSERT (ok);			\
    NS_TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL (got, expected);	\
#define CHECK_GET_PARAM(p,name,type,value)		\
  {							\
    const type expected = value;			\
    type got = value;					\
    Attribute v = p->GetAttribute (name);		\
    got = v;						\
    NS_TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL (got.Get (), expected.Get ());	\


AttributeTest::AttributeTest ()
  : Test ("Attribute")
AttributeTest::RunTests (void)
  bool result = true;

  AttributeList params;
  Ptr<AttributeObjectTest> p;
  NS_TEST_ASSERT (params.SetFailSafe ("AttributeObjectTest::TestBoolName", String ("false")));
  p = CreateObject<AttributeObjectTest> (params);
  CHECK_GET_STR (p, "TestBoolName", "false");
  CHECK_GET_PARAM (p, "TestBoolName", Boolean, false);

  NS_TEST_ASSERT (p->SetAttributeFailSafe("TestBoolName", String ("true")));
  CHECK_GET_STR (p, "TestBoolName", "true");
  CHECK_GET_PARAM (p, "TestBoolName", Boolean, true);

  NS_TEST_ASSERT (p->SetAttributeFailSafe("TestBoolName", Boolean (false)));
  CHECK_GET_STR (p, "TestBoolName", "false");
  CHECK_GET_PARAM (p, "TestBoolName", Boolean, false);

  p = CreateObject<AttributeObjectTest> ("TestBoolName", String ("true"));
  CHECK_GET_STR (p, "TestBoolName", "true");
  CHECK_GET_PARAM (p, "TestBoolName", Boolean, true);

  p = CreateObject<AttributeObjectTest> ("TestBoolName", Boolean (true));
  CHECK_GET_STR (p, "TestBoolName", "true");
  CHECK_GET_PARAM (p, "TestBoolName", Boolean, true);

  NS_TEST_ASSERT (p->SetAttributeFailSafe("TestBoolA", String ("false")));
  CHECK_GET_STR (p, "TestBoolA", "false");
  CHECK_GET_PARAM (p, "TestBoolA", Boolean, false);

  NS_TEST_ASSERT (p->SetAttributeFailSafe("TestBoolA", String ("true")));
  CHECK_GET_STR (p, "TestBoolA", "true");
  CHECK_GET_PARAM (p, "TestBoolA", Boolean, true);

  Ptr<Derived> derived = p->GetAttribute ("TestPtr");
  NS_TEST_ASSERT (derived == 0);
  derived = Create<Derived> ();
  NS_TEST_ASSERT (p->SetAttributeFailSafe("TestPtr", derived));
  Ptr<Derived> stored = p->GetAttribute ("TestPtr");
  NS_TEST_ASSERT (stored == derived);
  Ptr<Object> storedBase = p->GetAttribute ("TestPtr");
  NS_TEST_ASSERT (stored == storedBase);
  Ptr<AttributeObjectTest> x = p->GetAttribute ("TestPtr");
  NS_TEST_ASSERT (x == 0);

  p = CreateObject<AttributeObjectTest> ("TestPtr", Create<Derived> ());
  NS_TEST_ASSERT (p != 0);
  derived = 0;
  derived = p->GetAttribute ("TestPtr");
  NS_TEST_ASSERT (derived != 0);

  CHECK_GET_STR (p, "TestInt16", "-2");
  CHECK_GET_PARAM (p, "TestInt16", Integer, -2);

  NS_TEST_ASSERT (p->SetAttributeFailSafe("TestInt16", String ("-5")));
  CHECK_GET_STR (p, "TestInt16", "-5");
  CHECK_GET_PARAM (p, "TestInt16", Integer, -5);

  NS_TEST_ASSERT (p->SetAttributeFailSafe("TestInt16", Integer (+2)));
  CHECK_GET_STR (p, "TestInt16", "2");
  CHECK_GET_PARAM (p, "TestInt16", Integer, +2);

  NS_TEST_ASSERT (p->SetAttributeFailSafe("TestInt16", Integer (-32768)));
  CHECK_GET_STR (p, "TestInt16", "-32768");
  CHECK_GET_PARAM (p, "TestInt16", Integer, -32768);

  NS_TEST_ASSERT (!p->SetAttributeFailSafe("TestInt16", Integer (-32769)));
  CHECK_GET_STR (p, "TestInt16", "-32768");
  CHECK_GET_PARAM (p, "TestInt16", Integer, -32768);

  NS_TEST_ASSERT (p->SetAttributeFailSafe("TestInt16", Integer (32767)));
  CHECK_GET_STR (p, "TestInt16", "32767");
  CHECK_GET_PARAM (p, "TestInt16", Integer, 32767);

  NS_TEST_ASSERT (!p->SetAttributeFailSafe("TestInt16", Integer (32768)));
  CHECK_GET_STR (p, "TestInt16", "32767");
  CHECK_GET_PARAM (p, "TestInt16", Integer, 32767);

  NS_TEST_ASSERT (p->SetAttributeFailSafe("TestInt16WithBounds", Integer (10)));
  CHECK_GET_STR (p, "TestInt16WithBounds", "10");
  CHECK_GET_PARAM (p, "TestInt16WithBounds", Integer, 10);
  NS_TEST_ASSERT (!p->SetAttributeFailSafe("TestInt16WithBounds", Integer (11)));
  CHECK_GET_STR (p, "TestInt16WithBounds", "10");
  CHECK_GET_PARAM (p, "TestInt16WithBounds", Integer, 10);

  NS_TEST_ASSERT (p->SetAttributeFailSafe("TestInt16WithBounds", Integer (-5)));
  CHECK_GET_STR (p, "TestInt16WithBounds", "-5");
  CHECK_GET_PARAM (p, "TestInt16WithBounds", Integer, -5);
  NS_TEST_ASSERT (!p->SetAttributeFailSafe("TestInt16WithBounds", Integer (-6)));
  CHECK_GET_STR (p, "TestInt16WithBounds", "-5");
  CHECK_GET_PARAM (p, "TestInt16WithBounds", Integer, -5);

  CHECK_GET_STR (p, "TestInt16SetGet", "6");
  CHECK_GET_PARAM (p, "TestInt16SetGet", Integer, 6);
  NS_TEST_ASSERT (p->SetAttributeFailSafe("TestInt16SetGet", Integer (0)));
  CHECK_GET_STR (p, "TestInt16SetGet", "0");
  CHECK_GET_PARAM (p, "TestInt16SetGet", Integer, 0);

  CHECK_GET_STR (p, "TestUint8", "1");
  CHECK_GET_PARAM (p, "TestUint8", Uinteger, 1);
  NS_TEST_ASSERT (p->SetAttributeFailSafe("TestUint8", Uinteger (0)));
  CHECK_GET_STR (p, "TestUint8", "0");
  CHECK_GET_PARAM (p, "TestUint8", Uinteger, 0);
  NS_TEST_ASSERT (p->SetAttributeFailSafe("TestUint8", Uinteger (255)));
  CHECK_GET_STR (p, "TestUint8", "255");
  CHECK_GET_PARAM (p, "TestUint8", Uinteger, 255);
  NS_TEST_ASSERT (p->SetAttributeFailSafe("TestUint8", String ("255")));
  CHECK_GET_STR (p, "TestUint8", "255");
  CHECK_GET_PARAM (p, "TestUint8", Uinteger, 255);
  NS_TEST_ASSERT (!p->SetAttributeFailSafe("TestUint8", String ("256")));
  CHECK_GET_STR (p, "TestUint8", "255");
  CHECK_GET_PARAM (p, "TestUint8", Uinteger, 255);
  NS_TEST_ASSERT (!p->SetAttributeFailSafe("TestUint8", String ("-1")));
  CHECK_GET_STR (p, "TestUint8", "255");
  CHECK_GET_PARAM (p, "TestUint8", Uinteger, 255);
  NS_TEST_ASSERT (!p->SetAttributeFailSafe("TestUint8", Uinteger ((uint64_t)-1)));
  CHECK_GET_STR (p, "TestUint8", "255");
  CHECK_GET_PARAM (p, "TestUint8", Uinteger, 255);

  CHECK_GET_STR (p, "TestFloat", "-1.1");
  NS_TEST_ASSERT (p->SetAttributeFailSafe("TestFloat", Double ((float)+2.3)));
  CHECK_GET_PARAM (p, "TestFloat", Double, (float)+2.3);

  CHECK_GET_STR (p, "TestEnum", "TestA");
  CHECK_GET_PARAM (p, "TestEnum", Enum, AttributeObjectTest::TEST_A);
  NS_TEST_ASSERT (p->SetAttributeFailSafe("TestEnum", Enum (AttributeObjectTest::TEST_C)));
  CHECK_GET_STR (p, "TestEnum", "TestC");
  CHECK_GET_PARAM (p, "TestEnum", Enum, AttributeObjectTest::TEST_C);
  NS_TEST_ASSERT (p->SetAttributeFailSafe("TestEnum", String ("TestB")));
  CHECK_GET_STR (p, "TestEnum", "TestB");
  CHECK_GET_PARAM (p, "TestEnum", Enum, AttributeObjectTest::TEST_B);
  NS_TEST_ASSERT (!p->SetAttributeFailSafe("TestEnum", String ("TestD")));
  CHECK_GET_STR (p, "TestEnum", "TestB");
  CHECK_GET_PARAM (p, "TestEnum", Enum, AttributeObjectTest::TEST_B);
  NS_TEST_ASSERT (!p->SetAttributeFailSafe("TestEnum", Enum (5)));
  CHECK_GET_STR (p, "TestEnum", "TestB");
  CHECK_GET_PARAM (p, "TestEnum", Enum, AttributeObjectTest::TEST_B);

  RandomVariable ran = p->GetAttribute ("TestRandom");
  NS_TEST_ASSERT (p->SetAttributeFailSafe("TestRandom", UniformVariable (0.0, 1.0)));
  NS_TEST_ASSERT (p->SetAttributeFailSafe("TestRandom", ConstantVariable (10.0)));

    ObjectVector vector = p->GetAttribute ("TestVector1");
    NS_TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL (vector.GetN (), 0);
    p->AddToVector1 ();
    NS_TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL (vector.GetN (), 0);
    vector = p->GetAttribute ("TestVector1");
    NS_TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL (vector.GetN (), 1);
    Ptr<Object> a = vector.Get (0);
    p->AddToVector1 ();
    NS_TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL (vector.GetN (), 1);
    vector = p->GetAttribute ("TestVector1");
    NS_TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL (vector.GetN (), 2);

    ObjectVector vector = p->GetAttribute ("TestVector2");
    NS_TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL (vector.GetN (), 0);
    p->AddToVector2 ();
    NS_TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL (vector.GetN (), 0);
    vector = p->GetAttribute ("TestVector2");
    NS_TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL (vector.GetN (), 1);
    Ptr<Object> a = vector.Get (0);
    p->AddToVector2 ();
    NS_TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL (vector.GetN (), 1);
    vector = p->GetAttribute ("TestVector2");
    NS_TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL (vector.GetN (), 2);

  NS_TEST_ASSERT (AttributeList::GetGlobal ()->SetFailSafe ("AttributeObjectTest::TestBoolName", String ("true")));
  p = CreateObject<AttributeObjectTest> ();
  Boolean boolV = p->GetAttribute ("TestBoolName");
  NS_TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL (boolV, Boolean (true));

  NS_TEST_ASSERT (AttributeList::GetGlobal ()->SetFailSafe ("AttributeObjectTest::TestBoolName", String ("false")));
  p = CreateObject<AttributeObjectTest> ();
  boolV = p->GetAttribute ("TestBoolName");
  NS_TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL (boolV, Boolean (false));

  Integer i = p->GetAttribute ("IntegerTraceSource1");
  NS_TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL (i.Get (), -2);
  NS_TEST_ASSERT (p->SetAttributeFailSafe ("IntegerTraceSource1", Integer (+5)));
  i = p->GetAttribute ("IntegerTraceSource1");
  NS_TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL (i.Get (), +5);
  NS_TEST_ASSERT (p->SetAttributeFailSafe ("IntegerTraceSource1", Integer (127)));
  NS_TEST_ASSERT (!p->SetAttributeFailSafe ("IntegerTraceSource1", Integer (128)));
  NS_TEST_ASSERT (p->SetAttributeFailSafe ("IntegerTraceSource1", Integer (-128)));
  NS_TEST_ASSERT (!p->SetAttributeFailSafe ("IntegerTraceSource1", Integer (-129)));

  i = p->GetAttribute ("IntegerTraceSource2");
  NS_TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL (i.Get (), -2);
  NS_TEST_ASSERT (p->SetAttributeFailSafe ("IntegerTraceSource2", Integer (+5)));
  i = p->GetAttribute ("IntegerTraceSource2");
  NS_TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL (i.Get (), +5);
  NS_TEST_ASSERT (p->SetAttributeFailSafe ("IntegerTraceSource2", Integer (127)));
  NS_TEST_ASSERT (!p->SetAttributeFailSafe ("IntegerTraceSource2", Integer (128)));
  NS_TEST_ASSERT (p->SetAttributeFailSafe ("IntegerTraceSource2", Integer (-128)));
  NS_TEST_ASSERT (!p->SetAttributeFailSafe ("IntegerTraceSource2", Integer (-129)));

  m_got1 = -2;
  NS_TEST_ASSERT (p->SetAttributeFailSafe ("IntegerTraceSource1", Integer (-1)));
  NS_TEST_ASSERT (p->TraceConnectWithoutContext ("Source1", MakeCallback (&AttributeTest::NotifySource1, this)));
  NS_TEST_ASSERT (p->SetAttributeFailSafe ("IntegerTraceSource1", Integer (0)));
  NS_TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL (m_got1, 0);
  NS_TEST_ASSERT (p->TraceDisconnectWithoutContext ("Source1", MakeCallback (&AttributeTest::NotifySource1, this)));
  NS_TEST_ASSERT (p->SetAttributeFailSafe ("IntegerTraceSource1", Integer (1)));
  NS_TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL (m_got1, 0);

  m_got2 = 4.3;
  p->InvokeCb (1.0, -5, 0.0);
  NS_TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL (m_got2, 4.3);
  NS_TEST_ASSERT (p->TraceConnectWithoutContext ("Source2", MakeCallback (&AttributeTest::NotifySource2, this)));
  NS_TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL (m_got2, 4.3);
  p->InvokeCb (1.0, -5, 0.0);
  NS_TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL (m_got2, 1.0);
  NS_TEST_ASSERT (p->TraceDisconnectWithoutContext ("Source2", MakeCallback (&AttributeTest::NotifySource2, this)));
  p->InvokeCb (-1.0, -5, 0.0);
  NS_TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL (m_got2, 1.0);

  NS_TEST_ASSERT (p->TraceConnectWithoutContext ("ValueSource", MakeCallback (&AttributeTest::NotifySourceValue, this)));

  return result;

static AttributeTest g_parameterTest;

} // namespace ns3

#endif /* RUN_SELF_TESTS */