author Mathieu Lacage <>
Sat, 04 Jul 2009 08:15:48 +0200
changeset 4654 2eaebe77d66b
parent 4627 d132345b3e10
permissions -rw-r--r--
Added tag ns-3.5 for changeset c975274c9707

/* -*-  Mode: C++; c-file-style: "gnu"; indent-tabs-mode:nil; -*- */
 * Copyright (c) 2007 Georgia Tech Research Corporation
 * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
 * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as
 * published by the Free Software Foundation;
 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * GNU General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
 * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
 * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA
 * Author: Raj Bhattacharjea <>

#include "ns3/abort.h"
#include "ns3/node.h"
#include "ns3/inet-socket-address.h"
#include "ns3/log.h"
#include "ns3/ipv4.h"
#include "ns3/ipv4-interface-address.h"
#include "ns3/ipv4-route.h"
#include "ns3/ipv4-routing-protocol.h"
#include "ns3/simulation-singleton.h"
#include "ns3/simulator.h"
#include "ns3/packet.h"
#include "ns3/uinteger.h"
#include "ns3/trace-source-accessor.h"
#include "tcp-typedefs.h"
#include "tcp-socket-impl.h"
#include "tcp-l4-protocol.h"
#include "ipv4-end-point.h"

#include <algorithm>


using namespace std;

namespace ns3 {


TcpSocketImpl::GetTypeId ()
  static TypeId tid = TypeId("ns3::TcpSocketImpl")
    .SetParent<TcpSocket> ()
    .AddTraceSource ("CongestionWindow",
                     "The TCP connection's congestion window",
                     MakeTraceSourceAccessor (&TcpSocketImpl::m_cWnd))
  return tid;

  TcpSocketImpl::TcpSocketImpl ()
  : m_skipRetxResched (false),
    m_dupAckCount (0),
    m_delAckCount (0),
    m_endPoint (0),
    m_node (0),
    m_tcp (0),
    m_localAddress (Ipv4Address::GetZero ()),
    m_localPort (0),
    m_errno (ERROR_NOTERROR),
    m_shutdownSend (false),
    m_shutdownRecv (false),
    m_connected (false),
    m_state (CLOSED),
    m_closeNotified (false),
    m_closeRequestNotified (false),
    m_closeOnEmpty (false),
    m_pendingClose (false),
    m_nextTxSequence (0),
    m_highTxMark (0),
    m_highestRxAck (0),
    m_lastRxAck (0),
    m_nextRxSequence (0),
    m_rxAvailable (0),
    m_rxBufSize (0),
    m_pendingData (0),
    m_segmentSize (0),          // For attribute initialization consistency (quiet valgrind)
    m_rxWindowSize (0),
    m_initialCWnd (0),          // For attribute initialization consistency (quiet valgrind)
    m_persistTime (Seconds(6)), //XXX hook this into attributes?
    m_rtt (0),
    m_lastMeasuredRtt (Seconds(0.0))

TcpSocketImpl::TcpSocketImpl(const TcpSocketImpl& sock)
  : TcpSocket(sock), //copy object::m_tid, copy socket::callbacks
    m_skipRetxResched (sock.m_skipRetxResched),
    m_dupAckCount (sock.m_dupAckCount),
    m_delAckCount (0),
    m_delAckMaxCount (sock.m_delAckMaxCount),
    m_delAckTimeout (sock.m_delAckTimeout),
    m_endPoint (0),
    m_node (sock.m_node),
    m_tcp (sock.m_tcp),
    m_remoteAddress (sock.m_remoteAddress),
    m_remotePort (sock.m_remotePort),
    m_localAddress (sock.m_localAddress),
    m_localPort (sock.m_localPort),
    m_errno (sock.m_errno),
    m_shutdownSend (sock.m_shutdownSend),
    m_shutdownRecv (sock.m_shutdownRecv),
    m_connected (sock.m_connected),
    m_state (sock.m_state),
    m_closeNotified (sock.m_closeNotified),
    m_closeRequestNotified (sock.m_closeRequestNotified),
    m_closeOnEmpty (sock.m_closeOnEmpty),
    m_pendingClose (sock.m_pendingClose),
    m_nextTxSequence (sock.m_nextTxSequence),
    m_highTxMark (sock.m_highTxMark),
    m_highestRxAck (sock.m_highestRxAck),
    m_lastRxAck (sock.m_lastRxAck),
    m_nextRxSequence (sock.m_nextRxSequence),
    m_rxAvailable (0),
    m_rxBufSize (0),
    m_pendingData (0),
    m_segmentSize (sock.m_segmentSize),
    m_rxWindowSize (sock.m_rxWindowSize),
    m_cWnd (sock.m_cWnd),
    m_ssThresh (sock.m_ssThresh),
    m_initialCWnd (sock.m_initialCWnd),
    m_persistTime (sock.m_persistTime),
    m_rtt (0),
    m_lastMeasuredRtt (Seconds(0.0)),
    m_cnTimeout (sock.m_cnTimeout),
    m_cnCount (sock.m_cnCount),
    m_sndBufSize (sock.m_sndBufSize),
  NS_LOG_LOGIC("Invoked the copy constructor");
  //copy the pending data if necessary
      m_pendingData = sock.m_pendingData->Copy();
  //copy the rtt if necessary
  if (sock.m_rtt)
      m_rtt = sock.m_rtt->Copy();
  //null out the socket base class callbacks,
  //make user of the socket register this explicitly
  Callback<void, Ptr< Socket > > vPS =
      MakeNullCallback<void, Ptr<Socket> > ();
  Callback<void, Ptr<Socket>, const Address &> vPSA =
      MakeNullCallback<void, Ptr<Socket>, const Address &> ();
  Callback<void, Ptr<Socket>, uint32_t> vPSUI =
      MakeNullCallback<void, Ptr<Socket>, uint32_t> ();

  SetConnectCallback (vPS, vPS);
  SetDataSentCallback (vPSUI);
  SetSendCallback (vPSUI);
  SetRecvCallback (vPS);
  //can't "copy" the endpoint just yes, must do this when we know the peer info
  //too; this is in SYN_ACK_TX

TcpSocketImpl::~TcpSocketImpl ()
  m_node = 0;
  if (m_endPoint != 0)
      NS_ASSERT (m_tcp != 0);
       * Note that this piece of code is seriously convoluted: When we do a 
       * Bind we allocate an Ipv4Endpoint.  Immediately thereafter we always do
       * a FinishBind which sets the DestroyCallback of that endpoint to be
       * TcpSocketImpl::Destroy, below.  When m_tcp->DeAllocate is called, it 
       * will in turn call into Ipv4EndpointDemux::DeAllocate with the endpoint
       * (m_endPoint).  The demux will look up the endpoint and destroy it (the
       * corollary is that we don't own the object pointed to by m_endpoint, we
       * just borrowed it).  The destructor for the endpoint will call the 
       * DestroyCallback which will then invoke TcpSocketImpl::Destroy below. 
       * Destroy will zero m_node, m_tcp and m_endpoint.  The zero of m_node and
       * m_tcp need to be here also in case the endpoint is deallocated before 
       * shutdown.
      NS_ASSERT (m_endPoint != 0);
      m_tcp->DeAllocate (m_endPoint);
      NS_ASSERT (m_endPoint == 0);
  m_tcp = 0;
  delete m_pendingData; //prevents leak
  m_pendingData = 0;

TcpSocketImpl::SetNode (Ptr<Node> node)
  m_node = node;
   * Set the congestion window to IW.  This method is called from the L4 
   * Protocol after it creates the socket.  The Attribute system takes
   * care of setting m_initialCWnd and m_segmentSize to their default
   * values.  m_cWnd depends on m_initialCwnd and m_segmentSize so it
   * also needs to be updated in SetInitialCwnd and SetSegSize.
  m_cWnd = m_initialCWnd * m_segmentSize;

TcpSocketImpl::SetTcp (Ptr<TcpL4Protocol> tcp)
  m_tcp = tcp;
TcpSocketImpl::SetRtt (Ptr<RttEstimator> rtt)
  m_rtt = rtt;

enum Socket::SocketErrno
TcpSocketImpl::GetErrno (void) const
  return m_errno;

TcpSocketImpl::GetNode (void) const
  return m_node;

TcpSocketImpl::Destroy (void)
  m_node = 0;
  m_endPoint = 0;
  m_tcp = 0;
  NS_LOG_LOGIC (this<<" Cancelled ReTxTimeout event which was set to expire at "
                << (Simulator::Now () + 
                Simulator::GetDelayLeft (m_retxEvent)).GetSeconds());
  m_retxEvent.Cancel ();
TcpSocketImpl::FinishBind (void)
  if (m_endPoint == 0)
      return -1;
  m_endPoint->SetRxCallback (MakeCallback (&TcpSocketImpl::ForwardUp, Ptr<TcpSocketImpl>(this)));
  m_endPoint->SetDestroyCallback (MakeCallback (&TcpSocketImpl::Destroy, Ptr<TcpSocketImpl>(this)));
  m_localAddress = m_endPoint->GetLocalAddress ();
  m_localPort = m_endPoint->GetLocalPort ();
  return 0;

TcpSocketImpl::Bind (void)
  m_endPoint = m_tcp->Allocate ();
  return FinishBind ();
TcpSocketImpl::Bind (const Address &address)
  NS_LOG_FUNCTION (this<<address);
  if (!InetSocketAddress::IsMatchingType (address))
      m_errno = ERROR_INVAL;
      return -1;
  InetSocketAddress transport = InetSocketAddress::ConvertFrom (address);
  Ipv4Address ipv4 = transport.GetIpv4 ();
  uint16_t port = transport.GetPort ();
  if (ipv4 == Ipv4Address::GetAny () && port == 0)
      m_endPoint = m_tcp->Allocate ();
      NS_LOG_LOGIC ("TcpSocketImpl "<<this<<" got an endpoint: "<<m_endPoint);
  else if (ipv4 == Ipv4Address::GetAny () && port != 0)
      m_endPoint = m_tcp->Allocate (port);
      NS_LOG_LOGIC ("TcpSocketImpl "<<this<<" got an endpoint: "<<m_endPoint);
  else if (ipv4 != Ipv4Address::GetAny () && port == 0)
      m_endPoint = m_tcp->Allocate (ipv4);
      NS_LOG_LOGIC ("TcpSocketImpl "<<this<<" got an endpoint: "<<m_endPoint);
  else if (ipv4 != Ipv4Address::GetAny () && port != 0)
      m_endPoint = m_tcp->Allocate (ipv4, port);
      NS_LOG_LOGIC ("TcpSocketImpl "<<this<<" got an endpoint: "<<m_endPoint);

  return FinishBind ();

TcpSocketImpl::ShutdownSend (void)
  m_shutdownSend = true;
  return 0;
TcpSocketImpl::ShutdownRecv (void)
  m_shutdownRecv = true;
  return 0;

TcpSocketImpl::Close (void)
  if (m_pendingData && m_pendingData->Size() != 0)
    { // App close with pending data must wait until all data transmitted
      m_closeOnEmpty = true;
      NS_LOG_LOGIC("Socket " << this << 
                   " deferring close, state " << m_state);
      return 0;

  Actions_t action  = ProcessEvent (APP_CLOSE);
  ProcessAction (action);
  return 0;

TcpSocketImpl::Connect (const Address & address)
  NS_LOG_FUNCTION (this << address);

  Ptr<Ipv4> ipv4 = m_node->GetObject<Ipv4> ();

  if (m_endPoint == 0)
      if (Bind () == -1)
          NS_ASSERT (m_endPoint == 0);
          return -1;
      NS_ASSERT (m_endPoint != 0);
  InetSocketAddress transport = InetSocketAddress::ConvertFrom (address);
  m_remoteAddress = transport.GetIpv4 ();
  m_remotePort = transport.GetPort ();
  if (ipv4->GetRoutingProtocol () != 0)
      Ipv4Header header;
      header.SetDestination (m_remoteAddress);
      Socket::SocketErrno errno_;
      Ptr<Ipv4Route> route;
      uint32_t oif = 0; //specify non-zero if bound to a source address
      // XXX here, cache the route in the endpoint?
      route = ipv4->GetRoutingProtocol ()->RouteOutput (Ptr<Packet> (), header, oif, errno_);
      if (route != 0)
          NS_LOG_LOGIC ("Route exists");
          m_endPoint->SetLocalAddress (route->GetSource ());
          NS_LOG_LOGIC ("TcpSocketImpl::Connect():  Route to " << m_remoteAddress << " does not exist");
          NS_LOG_ERROR (errno_);
          m_errno = errno_;
          return -1;
      NS_FATAL_ERROR ("No Ipv4RoutingProtocol in the node");

  Actions_t action = ProcessEvent (APP_CONNECT);
  bool success = ProcessAction (action);
  if (success) 
      return 0;
  return -1;

//p here is just data, no headers
TcpSocketImpl::Send (Ptr<Packet> p, uint32_t flags) 
  NS_LOG_FUNCTION (this << p);
  if (m_state == ESTABLISHED || m_state == SYN_SENT || m_state == CLOSE_WAIT)
    if (p->GetSize() > GetTxAvailable ())
      m_errno = ERROR_MSGSIZE;
      return -1;
    if (!m_pendingData)
      m_pendingData = new PendingData ();   // Create if non-existent
      m_firstPendingSequence = m_nextTxSequence; // Note seq of first
    //PendingData::Add stores a copy of the Ptr p
    m_pendingData->Add (p);
    NS_LOG_DEBUG("TcpSock::Send, pdsize " << m_pendingData->Size() << 
        " state " << m_state);
    Actions_t action = ProcessEvent (APP_SEND);
    NS_LOG_DEBUG(" action " << action);
    if (!ProcessAction (action)) 
      return -1; // Failed, return zero
    return p->GetSize();
    m_errno = ERROR_NOTCONN;
    return -1;

int TcpSocketImpl::DoSendTo (Ptr<Packet> p, const Address &address)
  NS_LOG_FUNCTION (this << p << address);
  InetSocketAddress transport = InetSocketAddress::ConvertFrom (address);
  Ipv4Address ipv4 = transport.GetIpv4 ();
  uint16_t port = transport.GetPort ();
  return DoSendTo (p, ipv4, port);

int TcpSocketImpl::DoSendTo (Ptr<Packet> p, Ipv4Address ipv4, uint16_t port)
  NS_LOG_FUNCTION (this << p << ipv4 << port);
  if (m_endPoint == 0)
      if (Bind () == -1)
          NS_ASSERT (m_endPoint == 0);
	  return -1;
      NS_ASSERT (m_endPoint != 0);
  if (m_shutdownSend)
      m_errno = ERROR_SHUTDOWN;
      return -1;
  m_tcp->Send (p, m_endPoint->GetLocalAddress (), ipv4,
                  m_endPoint->GetLocalPort (), port);
  NotifyDataSent (p->GetSize ());
  return 0;

TcpSocketImpl::SendTo (Ptr<Packet> p, uint32_t flags, const Address &address)
  NS_LOG_FUNCTION (this << address << p);
  if (!m_connected)
      m_errno = ERROR_NOTCONN;
      return -1;
      return Send (p, flags); //drop the address according to BSD manpages

TcpSocketImpl::GetTxAvailable (void) const
  if (m_pendingData != 0)
      uint32_t unAckedDataSize = 
        m_pendingData->SizeFromSeq (m_firstPendingSequence, m_highestRxAck);
      NS_ASSERT (m_sndBufSize >= unAckedDataSize); //else a logical error
      return m_sndBufSize-unAckedDataSize;
      return m_sndBufSize;

TcpSocketImpl::Listen (void)
  // Linux quits EINVAL if we're not closed, so match what they do
  if (m_state != CLOSED)
      m_errno = ERROR_INVAL;
      return -1;
  Actions_t action = ProcessEvent (APP_LISTEN);
  ProcessAction (action);
  return 0;

TcpSocketImpl::Recv (uint32_t maxSize, uint32_t flags)
      if(m_state == CLOSE_WAIT) //means EOF
          return Create<Packet>();
      //else, means nothing to read
      return 0;
  UnAckData_t out; //serves as buffer to return up to the user
  UnAckData_t::iterator i;
  while (!m_bufferedData.empty ())
    { // Check the buffered data for delivery
      NS_LOG_LOGIC("TCP " << this << " bufferedData.size() " 
        << m_bufferedData.size () 
        << " time " << Simulator::Now ());
      i = m_bufferedData.begin ();
      SequenceNumber s1 = 0;
      if (i->first > m_nextRxSequence) 
          break;  // we're done, no more in-sequence data exits
      else // (i->first <= m_nextRxSequence)
        { // Two cases here.
          // 1) seq + length > nextRxSeq, can deliver partial
          // 2) seq + length <= nextRxSeq, deliver whole
          s1 = i->second->GetSize ();
          if (i->first + s1 > m_nextRxSequence)
            { // Remove partial data to prepare for delivery
              uint32_t avail = s1 + i->first - m_nextRxSequence;
              i->second = i->second->CreateFragment (0, avail);
          // else this packet is okay to deliver whole
          // so don't do anything else and output it
          out[i->first]  = i->second;
      m_rxAvailable -= i->second->GetSize ();
      m_rxBufSize -= i->second->GetSize ();
      m_bufferedData.erase (i);     // Remove from list
  if (out.size() == 0)
      return 0;
  Ptr<Packet> outPacket = Create<Packet>();
  for(i = out.begin(); i!=out.end(); ++i)
    if (outPacket->GetSize() + i->second->GetSize() <= maxSize )
      //only append as much as will fit
      uint32_t avail = maxSize - outPacket->GetSize();
      //put the rest back into the buffer
          = i->second->CreateFragment(avail,i->second->GetSize()-avail);
      m_rxAvailable += i->second->GetSize()-avail;
      m_rxBufSize += i->second->GetSize()-avail;
  SocketAddressTag tag;
  tag.SetAddress (InetSocketAddress (m_remoteAddress, m_remotePort));
  outPacket->AddPacketTag (tag);
  return outPacket;

TcpSocketImpl::GetRxAvailable (void) const
  // We separately maintain this state to avoid walking the queue 
  // every time this might be called
  return m_rxAvailable;

TcpSocketImpl::RecvFrom (uint32_t maxSize, uint32_t flags,
                         Address &fromAddress)
  NS_LOG_FUNCTION (this << maxSize << flags);
  Ptr<Packet> packet = Recv (maxSize, flags);
  //Null packet means no data to read, and an empty packet indicates EOF
  if (packet != 0 && packet->GetSize() != 0)
      SocketAddressTag tag;
      bool found;
      found = packet->PeekPacketTag (tag);
      NS_ASSERT (found);
      fromAddress = tag.GetAddress ();
  return packet;

TcpSocketImpl::GetSockName (Address &address) const
  address = InetSocketAddress(m_localAddress, m_localPort);
  return 0;

TcpSocketImpl::ForwardUp (Ptr<Packet> packet, Ipv4Address ipv4, uint16_t port)
  NS_LOG_DEBUG("Socket " << this << " got forward up" <<
               " dport " << m_endPoint->GetLocalPort() <<
               " daddr " << m_endPoint->GetLocalAddress() <<
               " sport " << m_endPoint->GetPeerPort() <<
               " saddr " << m_endPoint->GetPeerAddress());

  NS_LOG_FUNCTION (this << packet << ipv4 << port);
  if (m_shutdownRecv)
  TcpHeader tcpHeader;
  packet->RemoveHeader (tcpHeader);

  if (tcpHeader.GetFlags () & TcpHeader::ACK)
      Time m = m_rtt->AckSeq (tcpHeader.GetAckNumber () );
      if (m != Seconds (0.0))
          m_lastMeasuredRtt = m;

  if (m_rxWindowSize == 0 && tcpHeader.GetWindowSize () != 0) 
    { //persist probes end
      NS_LOG_LOGIC (this<<" Leaving zerowindow persist state");
      m_persistEvent.Cancel ();
  m_rxWindowSize = tcpHeader.GetWindowSize (); //update the flow control window

  Events_t event = SimulationSingleton<TcpStateMachine>::Get ()->FlagsEvent (tcpHeader.GetFlags () );
  Actions_t action = ProcessEvent (event); //updates the state
  Address address = InetSocketAddress (ipv4, port);
  NS_LOG_DEBUG("Socket " << this << 
               " processing pkt action, " << action <<
               " current state " << m_state);
  ProcessPacketAction (action, packet, tcpHeader, address);

Actions_t TcpSocketImpl::ProcessEvent (Events_t e)
  NS_LOG_FUNCTION (this << e);
  States_t saveState = m_state;
  NS_LOG_LOGIC ("TcpSocketImpl " << this << " processing event " << e);
  // simulation singleton is a way to get a single global static instance of a
  // class intended to be a singleton; see simulation-singleton.h
  SA stateAction = SimulationSingleton<TcpStateMachine>::Get ()->Lookup (m_state,e);
  NS_LOG_LOGIC ("TcpSocketImpl::ProcessEvent stateAction " << stateAction.action);
  // debug
  if (stateAction.action == RST_TX)
      NS_LOG_LOGIC ("TcpSocketImpl " << this << " sending RST from state "
              << saveState << " event " << e);
  bool needCloseNotify = (stateAction.state == CLOSED && m_state != CLOSED 
    && e != TIMEOUT);
  m_state = stateAction.state;
  NS_LOG_LOGIC ("TcpSocketImpl " << this << " moved from state " << saveState 
    << " to state " <<m_state);
  NS_LOG_LOGIC ("TcpSocketImpl " << this << " pendingData " << m_pendingData);

  //extra event logic is here for RX events
  //e = SYN_ACK_RX
  if (saveState == SYN_SENT && m_state == ESTABLISHED)
    // this means the application side has completed its portion of 
    // the handshaking
      Simulator::ScheduleNow(&TcpSocketImpl::ConnectionSucceeded, this);
      //NotifyConnectionSucceeded ();
      m_connected = true;
      m_endPoint->SetPeer (m_remoteAddress, m_remotePort);
      NS_LOG_LOGIC ("TcpSocketImpl " << this << " Connected!");
  if (saveState < CLOSING && (m_state == CLOSING || m_state == TIMED_WAIT) )
      NS_LOG_LOGIC ("TcpSocketImpl peer closing, send EOF to application");
      NotifyDataRecv ();

  if (needCloseNotify && !m_closeNotified)
      NS_LOG_LOGIC ("TcpSocketImpl " << this << " transition to CLOSED from " 
               << m_state << " event " << e << " closeNot " << m_closeNotified
               << " action " << stateAction.action);
      m_closeNotified = true;
      NS_LOG_LOGIC ("TcpSocketImpl " << this << " calling Closed from PE"
              << " origState " << saveState
              << " event " << e);
      NS_LOG_LOGIC ("TcpSocketImpl " << this << " transition to CLOSED from "
          << m_state << " event " << e
          << " set CloseNotif ");

  if (m_state == CLOSED && saveState != CLOSED && m_endPoint != 0)
      NS_ASSERT (m_tcp != 0);
       * We want to deallocate the endpoint now.  We can't just naively call
       * Deallocate (see the comment in TcpSocketImpl::~TcpSocketImpl), we 
       * have to turn off the DestroyCallback to keep it from calling back 
       * into TcpSocketImpl::Destroy and closing pretty much everything down.
       * Once we have the callback disconnected, we can DeAllocate the
       * endpoint which actually deals with destroying the actual endpoint,
       * and then zero our member varible on general principles.
      m_tcp->DeAllocate (m_endPoint);
      m_endPoint = 0;
  return stateAction.action;

void TcpSocketImpl::SendEmptyPacket (uint8_t flags)
  NS_LOG_FUNCTION (this << (uint32_t)flags);
  Ptr<Packet> p = Create<Packet> ();
  TcpHeader header;

  if (flags & TcpHeader::FIN)
      flags |= TcpHeader::ACK;

  header.SetFlags (flags);
  header.SetSequenceNumber (m_nextTxSequence);
  header.SetAckNumber (m_nextRxSequence);
  header.SetSourcePort (m_endPoint->GetLocalPort ());
  header.SetDestinationPort (m_remotePort);
  header.SetWindowSize (AdvertisedWindowSize());
  m_tcp->SendPacket (p, header, m_endPoint->GetLocalAddress (), 
  Time rto = m_rtt->RetransmitTimeout ();
  bool hasSyn = flags & TcpHeader::SYN;
  bool hasFin = flags & TcpHeader::FIN;
  bool isAck = flags == TcpHeader::ACK;
  if (hasSyn)
      rto = m_cnTimeout;
      m_cnTimeout = m_cnTimeout + m_cnTimeout;
  if (m_retxEvent.IsExpired () && (hasSyn || hasFin) && !isAck )
  //no outstanding timer
    NS_LOG_LOGIC ("Schedule retransmission timeout at time " 
          << Simulator::Now ().GetSeconds () << " to expire at time " 
          << (Simulator::Now () + rto).GetSeconds ());
    m_retxEvent = Simulator::Schedule (rto, &TcpSocketImpl::ReTxTimeout, this);

bool TcpSocketImpl::ProcessAction (Actions_t a)
{ // These actions do not require a packet or any TCP Headers
  NS_LOG_FUNCTION (this << a);
  switch (a)
    case NO_ACT:
      NS_LOG_LOGIC ("TcpSocketImpl " << this <<" Action: NO_ACT");
    case ACK_TX:
      SendEmptyPacket (TcpHeader::ACK);
    case ACK_TX_1:
      NS_ASSERT (false); // This should be processed in ProcessPacketAction
    case RST_TX:
      NS_LOG_LOGIC ("TcpSocketImpl " << this <<" Action RST_TX");
      SendEmptyPacket (TcpHeader::RST);
    case SYN_TX:
      NS_LOG_LOGIC ("TcpSocketImpl " << this <<" Action SYN_TX");
      // TCP SYN Flag consumes one byte
      // is the above correct? we're SENDING a syn, not acking back -- Raj
      // commented out for now
      // m_nextTxSequence+= 1;
      SendEmptyPacket (TcpHeader::SYN);
    case SYN_ACK_TX:
      NS_LOG_LOGIC ("TcpSocketImpl " << this <<" Action SYN_ACK_TX");
      // TCP SYN Flag consumes one byte
      SendEmptyPacket (TcpHeader::SYN | TcpHeader::ACK);
    case FIN_TX:
      NS_LOG_LOGIC ("TcpSocketImpl " << this <<" Action FIN_TX");
      SendEmptyPacket (TcpHeader::FIN);
    case FIN_ACK_TX:
      NS_LOG_LOGIC ("TcpSocketImpl " << this <<" Action FIN_ACK_TX");
      SendEmptyPacket (TcpHeader::FIN | TcpHeader::ACK);
    case NEW_ACK:
      NS_ASSERT (false); // This should be processed in ProcessPacketAction
    case NEW_SEQ_RX:
      NS_ASSERT (false); // This should be processed in ProcessPacketAction
    case RETX:
      NS_LOG_LOGIC ("TcpSocketImpl " << this <<" Action RETX");
    case TX_DATA:
      NS_LOG_LOGIC ("TcpSocketImpl " << this <<" Action TX_DATA");
      SendPendingData (m_connected);
    case PEER_CLOSE:
      NS_ASSERT (false); // This should be processed in ProcessPacketAction
      NS_LOG_LOGIC ("TcpSocketImpl " << this <<" Action PEER_CLOSE");
    case APP_CLOSED:
      NS_LOG_LOGIC ("TcpSocketImpl " << this <<" Action APP_CLOSED");
    case CANCEL_TM:
      NS_LOG_LOGIC ("TcpSocketImpl " << this <<" Action CANCEL_TM");
    case APP_NOTIFY:
      NS_LOG_LOGIC ("TcpSocketImpl " << this <<" Action APP_NOTIFY");
    case SERV_NOTIFY:
      NS_ASSERT (false); // This should be processed in ProcessPacketAction
    case LAST_ACTION:
      NS_LOG_LOGIC ("TcpSocketImpl " << this <<" Action LAST_ACTION");
  return true;

bool TcpSocketImpl::ProcessPacketAction (Actions_t a, Ptr<Packet> p,
                                     const TcpHeader& tcpHeader,
                                     const Address& fromAddress)
  NS_LOG_FUNCTION (this << a << p  << fromAddress);
  Ptr<Ipv4> ipv4 = m_node->GetObject<Ipv4> ();

  switch (a)
    case ACK_TX:
      NS_LOG_LOGIC ("TcpSocketImpl " << this <<" Action ACK_TX");
      if(tcpHeader.GetFlags() & TcpHeader::FIN)
        ++m_nextRxSequence; //bump this to account for the FIN
      SendEmptyPacket (TcpHeader::ACK);
    case SYN_ACK_TX:
      NS_LOG_LOGIC ("TcpSocketImpl " << this <<" Action SYN_ACK_TX");
      if (m_state == LISTEN) //this means we should fork a new TcpSocketImpl
          NS_LOG_DEBUG("In SYN_ACK_TX, m_state is LISTEN, this " << this);
          //notify the server that we got a SYN
          // If server refuses connection do nothing
          if (!NotifyConnectionRequest(fromAddress)) return true;
          // Clone the socket
          Ptr<TcpSocketImpl> newSock = Copy ();
          NS_LOG_LOGIC ("Cloned a TcpSocketImpl " << newSock);
          //this listening socket should do nothing more
          Simulator::ScheduleNow (&TcpSocketImpl::CompleteFork, newSock,
                                  p, tcpHeader,fromAddress);
          return true;
        // This is the cloned endpoint
        m_endPoint->SetPeer (m_remoteAddress, m_remotePort);

        // Look up the source address
        if (ipv4->GetRoutingProtocol () != 0)
            Ipv4Header header;
            Socket::SocketErrno errno_;
            Ptr<Ipv4Route> route;
            uint32_t oif = 0; //specify non-zero if bound to a source address
            header.SetDestination (m_remoteAddress);
            route = ipv4->GetRoutingProtocol ()->RouteOutput (Ptr<Packet> (), header, oif, errno_);
            if (route != 0)
                NS_LOG_LOGIC ("Route exists");
                m_endPoint->SetLocalAddress (route->GetSource ());
                NS_LOG_ERROR (errno_);
                m_errno = errno_;
                return -1;
            NS_FATAL_ERROR ("No Ipv4RoutingProtocol in the node");
        // TCP SYN consumes one byte
        m_nextRxSequence = tcpHeader.GetSequenceNumber() + SequenceNumber(1);
        SendEmptyPacket (TcpHeader::SYN | TcpHeader::ACK);
    case ACK_TX_1:
      NS_LOG_LOGIC ("TcpSocketImpl " << this <<" Action ACK_TX_1");
      // TCP SYN consumes one byte
      m_nextRxSequence = tcpHeader.GetSequenceNumber() + SequenceNumber(1);
      m_nextTxSequence = tcpHeader.GetAckNumber ();
      m_firstPendingSequence = m_nextTxSequence;  //bug 166
      NS_LOG_DEBUG ("TcpSocketImpl " << this << " ACK_TX_1" <<
                    " nextRxSeq " << m_nextRxSequence);
      SendEmptyPacket (TcpHeader::ACK);
      if (tcpHeader.GetAckNumber () > m_highestRxAck)
        m_highestRxAck = tcpHeader.GetAckNumber ();
        // Data freed from the send buffer; notify any blocked sender
        if (GetTxAvailable () > 0)
            NotifySend (GetTxAvailable ());
      SendPendingData (m_connected); //send acks if we are connected
    case NEW_ACK:
      NS_LOG_LOGIC ("TcpSocketImpl " << this <<" Action NEW_ACK_TX");
      //check to see of the ACK had data with it; if so, pass it along
      //to NEW_SEQ_RX
      if(p->GetSize () > 0)
      if (tcpHeader.GetAckNumber () < m_highestRxAck) //old ack, do nothing
      if (tcpHeader.GetAckNumber () == m_highestRxAck)
        if (tcpHeader.GetAckNumber ()  < m_nextTxSequence)
          DupAck (tcpHeader, ++m_dupAckCount);
        NS_ASSERT(tcpHeader.GetAckNumber ()  <= m_nextTxSequence);
        //if the ack is precisely equal to the nextTxSequence
      if (tcpHeader.GetAckNumber () > m_highestRxAck)
          m_dupAckCount = 0;
      NewAck (tcpHeader.GetAckNumber ());
    case NEW_SEQ_RX:
      NS_LOG_LOGIC ("TcpSocketImpl " << this <<" Action NEW_SEQ_RX");
      NewRx (p, tcpHeader, fromAddress); // Process new data received
    case PEER_CLOSE:
      // First we have to be sure the FIN packet was not received
      // out of sequence.  If so, note pending close and process
      // new sequence rx
      if (tcpHeader.GetSequenceNumber () != m_nextRxSequence)
        { // process close later
          m_pendingClose = true;
          NS_LOG_LOGIC ("TcpSocketImpl " << this << " setting pendingClose" 
            << " rxseq " << tcpHeader.GetSequenceNumber () 
            << " nextRxSeq " << m_nextRxSequence);
          NewRx (p, tcpHeader, fromAddress);
          return true;
      // Now we need to see if any data came with the FIN
      // if so, call NewRx
      if (p->GetSize () != 0)
          NewRx (p, tcpHeader, fromAddress);
      ++m_nextRxSequence; //bump this to account for the FIN
      States_t saveState = m_state; // Used to see if app responds
      NS_LOG_LOGIC ("TcpSocketImpl " << this 
          << " peer close, state " << m_state);
      if (!m_closeRequestNotified)
          NS_LOG_LOGIC ("TCP " << this 
              << " calling AppCloseRequest");
          m_closeRequestNotified = true;
      NS_LOG_LOGIC ("TcpSocketImpl " << this 
          << " peer close, state after " << m_state);
      if (m_state == saveState)
        { // Need to ack, the application will close later
          SendEmptyPacket (TcpHeader::ACK);
//               // Also need to re-tx the ack if we
      if (m_state == LAST_ACK)
          NS_LOG_LOGIC ("TcpSocketImpl " << this << " scheduling LATO1");
          m_lastAckEvent = Simulator::Schedule (m_rtt->RetransmitTimeout (),
    case SERV_NOTIFY:
      NS_LOG_LOGIC ("TcpSocketImpl " << this <<" Action SERV_NOTIFY");
      NS_LOG_LOGIC ("TcpSocketImpl " << this << " Connected!");
      m_connected = true; // ! This is bogus; fix when we clone the tcp
      m_endPoint->SetPeer (m_remoteAddress, m_remotePort);
      //treat the connection orientation final ack as a newack
      CommonNewAck (tcpHeader.GetAckNumber (), true);
      NotifyNewConnectionCreated (this, fromAddress);
      return ProcessAction (a);
  return true;

void TcpSocketImpl::CompleteFork(Ptr<Packet> p, const TcpHeader& h, const Address& fromAddress)
  // Get port and address from peer (connecting host)
  m_remotePort = InetSocketAddress::ConvertFrom (fromAddress).GetPort ();
  m_remoteAddress = InetSocketAddress::ConvertFrom (fromAddress).GetIpv4 ();
  m_endPoint = m_tcp->Allocate (m_localAddress,
  //the cloned socket with be in listen state, so manually change state
  m_state = SYN_RCVD;
  //equivalent to FinishBind
  m_endPoint->SetRxCallback (MakeCallback (&TcpSocketImpl::ForwardUp, Ptr<TcpSocketImpl>(this)));
  m_endPoint->SetDestroyCallback (MakeCallback (&TcpSocketImpl::Destroy, Ptr<TcpSocketImpl>(this)));
  ProcessPacketAction(SYN_ACK_TX, p, h, fromAddress);

void TcpSocketImpl::ConnectionSucceeded()
{ // We would preferred to have scheduled an event directly to
  // NotifyConnectionSucceeded, but (sigh) these are protected
  // and we can get the address of it :(

bool TcpSocketImpl::SendPendingData (bool withAck)
  NS_LOG_FUNCTION (this << withAck);
  NS_LOG_LOGIC ("ENTERING SendPendingData");
  if (!m_pendingData)
      return false; // No data exists
  uint32_t nPacketsSent = 0;
  while (m_pendingData->SizeFromSeq (m_firstPendingSequence, m_nextTxSequence))
      uint32_t w = AvailableWindow ();// Get available window size
      NS_LOG_LOGIC ("TcpSocketImpl " << this << " SendPendingData"
           << " w " << w 
           << " rxwin " << m_rxWindowSize
           << " cWnd " << m_cWnd
           << " segsize " << m_segmentSize
           << " nextTxSeq " << m_nextTxSequence
           << " highestRxAck " << m_highestRxAck 
           << " pd->Size " << m_pendingData->Size ()
           << " pd->SFS " << m_pendingData->SizeFromSeq (m_firstPendingSequence, m_nextTxSequence));
//XXX pd->Size is probably a bug, should be SizeFromSeq(...)
      if (w < m_segmentSize && m_pendingData->Size () > w)
          break; // No more
      uint32_t s = std::min (w, m_segmentSize);  // Send no more than window
      Ptr<Packet> p = m_pendingData->CopyFromSeq (s, m_firstPendingSequence, 
      NS_LOG_LOGIC("TcpSocketImpl " << this << " SendPendingData"
                   << " txseq " << m_nextTxSequence
                   << " s " << s 
                   << " datasize " << p->GetSize() );
      uint8_t flags = 0;
      uint32_t sz = p->GetSize (); // Size of packet
      uint32_t remainingData = m_pendingData->SizeFromSeq(
          m_nextTxSequence + SequenceNumber (sz));
      if (m_closeOnEmpty && (remainingData == 0))
          flags = TcpHeader::FIN;
          m_state = FIN_WAIT_1;
      if (withAck)
          flags |= TcpHeader::ACK;
      TcpHeader header;
      header.SetFlags (flags);
      header.SetSequenceNumber (m_nextTxSequence);
      header.SetAckNumber (m_nextRxSequence);
      header.SetSourcePort (m_endPoint->GetLocalPort());
      header.SetDestinationPort (m_remotePort);
      header.SetWindowSize (AdvertisedWindowSize());
      if (m_shutdownSend)
          m_errno = ERROR_SHUTDOWN;
          return -1;

      if (m_retxEvent.IsExpired () ) //go ahead and schedule the retransmit
            Time rto = m_rtt->RetransmitTimeout (); 
            NS_LOG_LOGIC (this<<" SendPendingData Schedule ReTxTimeout at time " << 
              Simulator::Now ().GetSeconds () << " to expire at time " <<
              (Simulator::Now () + rto).GetSeconds () );
          m_retxEvent = Simulator::Schedule (rto,&TcpSocketImpl::ReTxTimeout,this);
      NS_LOG_LOGIC ("About to send a packet with flags: " << flags);
      m_tcp->SendPacket (p, header,
                         m_endPoint->GetLocalAddress (),
      m_rtt->SentSeq(m_nextTxSequence, sz);       // notify the RTT
      // Notify the application
      Simulator::ScheduleNow(&TcpSocketImpl::NotifyDataSent, this, p->GetSize ());
      nPacketsSent++;                             // Count sent this loop
      m_nextTxSequence += sz;                     // Advance next tx sequence
      // Note the high water mark
      m_highTxMark = std::max (m_nextTxSequence, m_highTxMark);
    NS_LOG_LOGIC ("SendPendingData Sent "<<nPacketsSent<<" packets");
  NS_LOG_LOGIC("RETURN SendPendingData");
  return (nPacketsSent>0);

uint32_t  TcpSocketImpl::UnAckDataCount ()
  return m_nextTxSequence - m_highestRxAck;

uint32_t  TcpSocketImpl::BytesInFlight ()
  return m_highTxMark - m_highestRxAck;

uint32_t  TcpSocketImpl::Window ()
  NS_LOG_LOGIC ("TcpSocketImpl::Window() "<<this);
  return std::min (m_rxWindowSize, m_cWnd.Get());

uint32_t  TcpSocketImpl::AvailableWindow ()
  uint32_t unack = UnAckDataCount (); // Number of outstanding bytes
  uint32_t win = Window ();
  if (win < unack) 
      return 0;  // No space available
  return (win - unack);       // Amount of window space available

uint32_t TcpSocketImpl::RxBufferFreeSpace()
  return m_rxBufMaxSize - m_rxBufSize;

uint16_t TcpSocketImpl::AdvertisedWindowSize()
  uint32_t max = 0xffff;
  return std::min(RxBufferFreeSpace(), max);

void TcpSocketImpl::NewRx (Ptr<Packet> p,
                        const TcpHeader& tcpHeader, 
                        const Address& fromAddress)
  NS_LOG_FUNCTION (this << p << "tcpHeader " << fromAddress);
  NS_LOG_LOGIC ("TcpSocketImpl " << this << " NewRx,"
                << " seq " << tcpHeader.GetSequenceNumber()
                << " ack " << tcpHeader.GetAckNumber()
                << " p.size is " << p->GetSize () );
  States_t origState = m_state;
  if (RxBufferFreeSpace() < p->GetSize()) 
    { //if not enough room, fragment
      p = p->CreateFragment(0, RxBufferFreeSpace());
  //fragmenting here MIGHT not be the right thing to do, since possibly we trim
  //the front and back off the packet below if it isn't all new data, so the 
  //check against RxBufferFreeSpace and fragmentation should ideally occur
  //just before insertion into m_bufferedData, but this strategy is more
  //agressive in rejecting oversized packets and still gives acceptable TCP
  uint32_t s = p->GetSize ();  // Size of associated data
  if (s == 0)
    {//if there is no data or no rx buffer space, just ack anyway
      SendEmptyPacket (TcpHeader::ACK);
  // Log sequence received if enabled
  // NoteTimeSeq(LOG_SEQ_RX, h->sequenceNumber);
  // Three possibilities
  // 1) Received seq is expected, buffer this, update rxAvailable, and ack
  // 2) Received seq is < expected, just re-ack previous
  // 3) Received seq is > expected, just re-ack previous and buffer data
  if (tcpHeader.GetSequenceNumber () == m_nextRxSequence)
    { // If seq is expected seq
      // Trim the end if necessary
      // 1) Update nextRxSeq
      // 2) Buffer this packet so Recv can read it
      // 3) Send the ack
      UnAckData_t::iterator next = m_bufferedData.upper_bound (m_nextRxSequence);
      if (next != m_bufferedData.end ())
        SequenceNumber nextBufferedSeq = next->first;
        if (m_nextRxSequence + SequenceNumber(s) > nextBufferedSeq)
        {//tail end isn't all new, trim enough off the end
          s = nextBufferedSeq - m_nextRxSequence;
      p = p->CreateFragment (0,s);
      m_nextRxSequence += s;           // Advance next expected sequence
      NS_LOG_LOGIC("Case 1, advanced nrxs to " << m_nextRxSequence );
      //buffer this, it'll be read by call to Recv
      UnAckData_t::iterator i = 
          m_bufferedData.find (tcpHeader.GetSequenceNumber () );
      NS_ASSERT(i == m_bufferedData.end ()); //no way it should have been found
      // Save for later delivery if there is room
      m_bufferedData[tcpHeader.GetSequenceNumber () ] = p;
      m_rxAvailable += p->GetSize ();
      RxBufFinishInsert (tcpHeader.GetSequenceNumber ());
      m_rxBufSize += p->GetSize ();
      NotifyDataRecv ();
      if (m_closeNotified)
          NS_LOG_LOGIC ("Tcp " << this << " HuH?  Got data after closeNotif");
      NS_LOG_LOGIC ("TcpSocketImpl " << this << " adv rxseq by " << s);
      if (m_pendingClose || (origState > ESTABLISHED))
        { // See if we can close now
          if (m_bufferedData.empty())
              ProcessPacketAction (PEER_CLOSE, p, tcpHeader, fromAddress);
  else if (tcpHeader.GetSequenceNumber () > m_nextRxSequence)
    { // Need to buffer this one, but trim off the front and back if necessary
      NS_LOG_LOGIC ("Case 2, buffering " << tcpHeader.GetSequenceNumber () );
      UnAckData_t::iterator previous =
          m_bufferedData.lower_bound (tcpHeader.GetSequenceNumber ());
      SequenceNumber startSeq = tcpHeader.GetSequenceNumber();
      if (previous != m_bufferedData.begin ())
          startSeq = previous->first + SequenceNumber(previous->second->GetSize());
          if (startSeq > tcpHeader.GetSequenceNumber ())
              s = tcpHeader.GetSequenceNumber () + SequenceNumber(s) - startSeq;
              startSeq = tcpHeader.GetSequenceNumber();
      //possibly trim off the end
      UnAckData_t::iterator next = m_bufferedData.upper_bound (tcpHeader.GetSequenceNumber());
      if (next != m_bufferedData.end ())
        SequenceNumber nextBufferedSeq = next->first;
        if (startSeq + SequenceNumber(s) > nextBufferedSeq)
        {//tail end isn't all new either, trim enough off the end
          s = nextBufferedSeq - startSeq;
      p = p->CreateFragment (startSeq - tcpHeader.GetSequenceNumber (),s);
      UnAckData_t::iterator i = 
          m_bufferedData.find (startSeq);
      if (i != m_bufferedData.end () )
          if(p->GetSize() > i->second->GetSize())
            i->second = 0; // relase reference to already buffered
            p = i->second;
      // Save for later delivery
      m_bufferedData[startSeq] = p;  
      i = m_bufferedData.find (startSeq);
      next = i;
      if(next != m_bufferedData.end())
          NS_ASSERT(next->first >= i->first + SequenceNumber(i->second->GetSize ()));
  else if (tcpHeader.GetSequenceNumber () + SequenceNumber(s) > m_nextRxSequence)
    {//parial new data case, only part of the packet is new data
      //trim the beginning
      s = tcpHeader.GetSequenceNumber () + SequenceNumber(s) - m_nextRxSequence; //how much new
      //possibly trim off the end
      UnAckData_t::iterator next = m_bufferedData.upper_bound (m_nextRxSequence);
      if (next != m_bufferedData.end ())
        SequenceNumber nextBufferedSeq = next->first;
        if (m_nextRxSequence + SequenceNumber(s) > nextBufferedSeq)
        {//tail end isn't all new either, trim enough off the end
          s = nextBufferedSeq - m_nextRxSequence;
      p = p->CreateFragment (m_nextRxSequence - tcpHeader.GetSequenceNumber (),s);
      SequenceNumber start = m_nextRxSequence;
      m_nextRxSequence += s;           // Advance next expected sequence
      //buffer the new fragment, it'll be read by call to Recv
      UnAckData_t::iterator i = m_bufferedData.find (start);
      if (i != m_bufferedData.end () ) //we found it already in the buffer
          i->second = 0; // relase reference to already buffered
      // Save for later delivery
      m_bufferedData[start] = p;
      m_rxAvailable += p->GetSize ();
      m_rxBufSize += p->GetSize();
      NotifyDataRecv ();
    { // debug
      NS_LOG_LOGIC("TCP " << this 
               << " got seq " << tcpHeader.GetSequenceNumber ()
               << " expected " << m_nextRxSequence
               << "       flags " << tcpHeader.GetFlags ());
  // Now send a new ack packet acknowledging all received and delivered data
  if(++m_delAckCount >= m_delAckMaxCount)
    m_delAckCount = 0;
    SendEmptyPacket (TcpHeader::ACK);
    if (m_delAckEvent.IsExpired())
      m_delAckEvent = Simulator::Schedule (m_delAckTimeout, &TcpSocketImpl::DelAckTimeout, this);

void TcpSocketImpl::RxBufFinishInsert (SequenceNumber seq)
  //putting data into the buffer might have filled in a sequence gap so we have
  //to iterate through the list to find the largest contiguous sequenced chunk,
  //and update m_rxAvailable and m_nextRxSequence appropriately
  UnAckData_t::iterator i = m_bufferedData.find (seq);
  UnAckData_t::iterator next = i;
  //make sure the buffer is logically sequenced
  if(next != m_bufferedData.end())
    NS_ASSERT(next->first >= i->first + SequenceNumber(i->second->GetSize ()));
  while(next != m_bufferedData.end())
    if(i->first + SequenceNumber(i->second->GetSize ()) == next->first)
      //next packet is in sequence, count it
      m_rxAvailable += next->second->GetSize();
      m_nextRxSequence += next->second->GetSize();
      break; //no more in this contiguous chunk

void TcpSocketImpl::DelAckTimeout ()
  m_delAckCount = 0;
  SendEmptyPacket (TcpHeader::ACK);

void TcpSocketImpl::CommonNewAck (SequenceNumber ack, bool skipTimer)
{ // CommonNewAck is called only for "New" (non-duplicate) acks
  // and MUST be called by any subclass, from the NewAck function
  // Always cancel any pending re-tx timer on new acknowledgement
  NS_LOG_FUNCTION (this << ack << skipTimer); 
  //DEBUG(1,(cout << "TCP " << this << "Cancelling retx timer " << endl));
  if (!skipTimer)
      NS_LOG_LOGIC (this<<" Cancelled ReTxTimeout event which was set to expire at "
                    << (Simulator::Now () + 
                        Simulator::GetDelayLeft (m_retxEvent)).GetSeconds());
      m_retxEvent.Cancel ();
      //On recieving a "New" ack we restart retransmission timer .. RFC 2988
      Time rto = m_rtt->RetransmitTimeout ();
      NS_LOG_LOGIC (this<<" Schedule ReTxTimeout at time " 
          << Simulator::Now ().GetSeconds () << " to expire at time " 
          << (Simulator::Now () + rto).GetSeconds ());
      m_retxEvent = 
          Simulator::Schedule (rto, &TcpSocketImpl::ReTxTimeout, this);
  if (m_rxWindowSize == 0 && m_persistEvent.IsExpired ()) //zerowindow
      NS_LOG_LOGIC (this<<"Enter zerowindow persist state");
      NS_LOG_LOGIC (this<<" Cancelled ReTxTimeout event which was set to expire at "
                    << (Simulator::Now () + 
                        Simulator::GetDelayLeft (m_retxEvent)).GetSeconds());
      m_retxEvent.Cancel ();
      NS_LOG_LOGIC ("Schedule persist timeout at time " 
                    <<Simulator::Now ().GetSeconds () << " to expire at time "
                    << (Simulator::Now () + m_persistTime).GetSeconds());
      m_persistEvent = 
      Simulator::Schedule (m_persistTime, &TcpSocketImpl::PersistTimeout, this);
      NS_ASSERT (m_persistTime == Simulator::GetDelayLeft (m_persistEvent));
  NS_LOG_LOGIC ("TCP " << this << " NewAck " << ack 
           << " numberAck " << (ack - m_highestRxAck)); // Number bytes ack'ed
  m_highestRxAck = ack;         // Note the highest recieved Ack
  if (GetTxAvailable () > 0)
      NotifySend (GetTxAvailable ());
  if (ack > m_nextTxSequence) 
      m_nextTxSequence = ack; // If advanced
  // See if all pending ack'ed; if so we can delete the data
  if (m_pendingData)
    { // Data exists, see if can be deleted
      if (m_pendingData->SizeFromSeq (m_firstPendingSequence, m_highestRxAck) == 0)
        { // All pending acked, can be deleted
          m_pendingData->Clear ();
          delete m_pendingData;
          m_pendingData = 0;
          // Insure no re-tx timer
          NS_LOG_LOGIC (this<<" Cancelled ReTxTimeout event which was set to expire at "
                    << (Simulator::Now () + 
                        Simulator::GetDelayLeft (m_retxEvent)).GetSeconds());
          m_retxEvent.Cancel ();
  // Try to send more data
  SendPendingData (m_connected);

Ptr<TcpSocketImpl> TcpSocketImpl::Copy ()
  return CopyObject<TcpSocketImpl> (this);

void TcpSocketImpl::NewAck (SequenceNumber seq)
{ // New acknowledgement up to sequence number "seq"
  // Adjust congestion window in response to new ack's received
  NS_LOG_FUNCTION (this << seq);
  NS_LOG_LOGIC ("TcpSocketImpl " << this << " NewAck "
           << " seq " << seq
           << " cWnd " << m_cWnd
           << " ssThresh " << m_ssThresh);
  if (m_cWnd < m_ssThresh)
    { // Slow start mode, add one segSize to cWnd
      m_cWnd += m_segmentSize;
      NS_LOG_LOGIC ("TcpSocketImpl " << this << " NewCWnd SlowStart, cWnd " << m_cWnd 
          << " sst " << m_ssThresh);
    { // Congestion avoidance mode, adjust by (ackBytes*segSize) / cWnd
      double adder =  ((double) m_segmentSize * m_segmentSize) / m_cWnd.Get();
      if (adder < 1.0) 
          adder = 1.0;
      m_cWnd += (uint32_t) adder;
      NS_LOG_LOGIC ("NewCWnd CongAvoid, cWnd " << m_cWnd 
           << " sst " << m_ssThresh);
  CommonNewAck (seq, false);           // Complete newAck processing

void TcpSocketImpl::DupAck (const TcpHeader& t, uint32_t count)
  NS_LOG_FUNCTION (this << "t " << count);
  NS_LOG_LOGIC ("TcpSocketImpl " << this << " DupAck " <<  t.GetAckNumber ()
      << ", count " << count
      << ", time " << Simulator::Now ());
  if (count == 3)
  { // Count of three indicates triple duplicate ack
    m_ssThresh = Window () / 2; // Per RFC2581
    m_ssThresh = std::max (m_ssThresh, 2 * m_segmentSize);
    NS_LOG_LOGIC("TcpSocketImpl " << this << "Tahoe TDA, time " << Simulator::Now ()
        << " seq " << t.GetAckNumber ()
        << " in flight " << BytesInFlight ()
        << " new ssthresh " << m_ssThresh);

    m_cWnd = m_segmentSize; // Collapse cwnd (re-enter slowstart)
    // For Tahoe, we also reset nextTxSeq
    m_nextTxSequence = m_highestRxAck;
    SendPendingData (m_connected);

void TcpSocketImpl::ReTxTimeout ()
{ // Retransmit timeout
  NS_LOG_LOGIC (this<<" ReTxTimeout Expired at time "<<Simulator::Now ().GetSeconds());
  m_ssThresh = Window () / 2; // Per RFC2581
  m_ssThresh = std::max (m_ssThresh, 2 * m_segmentSize);
  // Set cWnd to segSize on timeout,  per rfc2581
  // Collapse congestion window (re-enter slowstart)
  m_cWnd = m_segmentSize;           
  m_nextTxSequence = m_highestRxAck; // Start from highest Ack
  m_rtt->IncreaseMultiplier (); // DoubleValue timeout value for next retx timer
  Retransmit ();             // Retransmit the packet

void TcpSocketImpl::LastAckTimeout ()
  m_lastAckEvent.Cancel ();
  if (m_state == LAST_ACK)
      Actions_t action = ProcessEvent (TIMEOUT);
      ProcessAction (action);
  if (!m_closeNotified)
      m_closeNotified = true;

void TcpSocketImpl::PersistTimeout ()
  NS_LOG_LOGIC ("PersistTimeout expired at "<<Simulator::Now ().GetSeconds ());
  m_persistTime = Scalar(2)*m_persistTime;
  m_persistTime = std::min(Seconds(60),m_persistTime); //maxes out at 60
  //the persist timeout sends exactly one byte probes
  //this is explicit in stevens, and kind of in rfc793 p42, rfc1122 sec4.2.2.17
  Ptr<Packet> p =
  TcpHeader tcpHeader;
  tcpHeader.SetSequenceNumber (m_nextTxSequence);
  tcpHeader.SetAckNumber (m_nextRxSequence);
  tcpHeader.SetSourcePort (m_endPoint->GetLocalPort());
  tcpHeader.SetDestinationPort (m_remotePort);
  tcpHeader.SetWindowSize (AdvertisedWindowSize());

  m_tcp->SendPacket (p, tcpHeader, m_endPoint->GetLocalAddress (),
  NS_LOG_LOGIC ("Schedule persist timeout at time " 
                    <<Simulator::Now ().GetSeconds () << " to expire at time "
                    << (Simulator::Now () + m_persistTime).GetSeconds());
  m_persistEvent = 
    Simulator::Schedule (m_persistTime, &TcpSocketImpl::PersistTimeout, this);

void TcpSocketImpl::Retransmit ()
  uint8_t flags = TcpHeader::NONE;
  if (m_state == SYN_SENT) 
      if (m_cnCount > 0) 
          SendEmptyPacket (TcpHeader::SYN);
          NotifyConnectionFailed ();
  if (!m_pendingData)
      if (m_state == FIN_WAIT_1)
        { // Must have lost FIN, re-send
          SendEmptyPacket (TcpHeader::FIN);
  NS_ASSERT(m_nextTxSequence == m_highestRxAck);
  Ptr<Packet> p = m_pendingData->CopyFromSeq (m_segmentSize,
  // Calculate remaining data for COE check
  uint32_t remainingData = m_pendingData->SizeFromSeq (
      m_nextTxSequence + SequenceNumber(p->GetSize ()));
  if (m_closeOnEmpty && remainingData == 0)
    { // Add the FIN flag
      flags = flags | TcpHeader::FIN;

  NS_LOG_LOGIC ("TcpSocketImpl " << this << " retxing seq " << m_highestRxAck);
  if (m_retxEvent.IsExpired () )
      Time rto = m_rtt->RetransmitTimeout ();
      NS_LOG_LOGIC (this<<" Schedule ReTxTimeout at time "
          << Simulator::Now ().GetSeconds () << " to expire at time "
          << (Simulator::Now () + rto).GetSeconds ());
      m_retxEvent = Simulator::Schedule (rto,&TcpSocketImpl::ReTxTimeout,this);
  m_rtt->SentSeq (m_highestRxAck,p->GetSize ());
  // And send the packet
  TcpHeader tcpHeader;
  tcpHeader.SetSequenceNumber (m_nextTxSequence);
  tcpHeader.SetAckNumber (m_nextRxSequence);
  tcpHeader.SetSourcePort (m_endPoint->GetLocalPort());
  tcpHeader.SetDestinationPort (m_remotePort);
  tcpHeader.SetFlags (flags);
  tcpHeader.SetWindowSize (AdvertisedWindowSize());

  m_tcp->SendPacket (p, tcpHeader, m_endPoint->GetLocalAddress (),

TcpSocketImpl::SetSndBufSize (uint32_t size)
  m_sndBufSize = size;

TcpSocketImpl::GetSndBufSize (void) const
  return m_sndBufSize;

TcpSocketImpl::SetRcvBufSize (uint32_t size)
  m_rxBufMaxSize = size;

TcpSocketImpl::GetRcvBufSize (void) const
  return m_rxBufMaxSize;

TcpSocketImpl::SetSegSize (uint32_t size)
  m_segmentSize = size;
   * Make sure that the congestion window is initialized for IW properly.  We
   * can't do this after the connection starts up or would would most likely 
   * change m_cWnd out from under the protocol.  That would be Bad (TM).
  NS_ABORT_MSG_UNLESS (m_state == CLOSED, "TcpSocketImpl::SetSegSize(): Cannot change segment size dynamically.");
  m_cWnd = m_initialCWnd * m_segmentSize;

TcpSocketImpl::GetSegSize (void) const
  return m_segmentSize;

TcpSocketImpl::SetSSThresh (uint32_t threshold)
  m_ssThresh = threshold;

TcpSocketImpl::GetSSThresh (void) const
  return m_ssThresh;

TcpSocketImpl::SetInitialCwnd (uint32_t cwnd)
  m_initialCWnd = cwnd;
   * Make sure that the congestion window is initialized for IW properly.  We
   * can't do this after the connection starts up or would would most likely 
   * change m_cWnd out from under the protocol.  That would be Bad (TM).
  NS_ABORT_MSG_UNLESS (m_state == CLOSED, "TcpSocketImpl::SetInitialCwnd(): Cannot change initial cwnd dynamically.");
  m_cWnd = m_initialCWnd * m_segmentSize;

TcpSocketImpl::GetInitialCwnd (void) const
  return m_initialCWnd;

TcpSocketImpl::SetConnTimeout (Time timeout)
  m_cnTimeout = timeout;

TcpSocketImpl::GetConnTimeout (void) const
  return m_cnTimeout;

TcpSocketImpl::SetConnCount (uint32_t count)
  m_cnCount = count;

TcpSocketImpl::GetConnCount (void) const
  return m_cnCount;

TcpSocketImpl::SetDelAckTimeout (Time timeout)
  m_delAckTimeout = timeout;

TcpSocketImpl::GetDelAckTimeout (void) const
  return m_delAckTimeout;

TcpSocketImpl::SetDelAckMaxCount (uint32_t count)
  m_delAckMaxCount = count;

TcpSocketImpl::GetDelAckMaxCount (void) const
  return m_delAckMaxCount;

}//namespace ns3