changeset 4147 5d8530130930
parent 4145 bb930262e55c
child 4148 7f1a5bd869e5
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/src/core/	Thu Jan 22 23:07:34 2009 -0800
@@ -0,0 +1,695 @@
+/* -*- Mode: C++; c-file-style: "gnu"; indent-tabs-mode:nil; -*- */
+ * Copyright (c) 2009 University of Washington
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as
+ * published by the Free Software Foundation;
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA
+ */
+#include <map>
+#include "object.h"
+#include "log.h"
+#include "assert.h"
+#include "abort.h"
+#include "names.h"
+#include "ns3/simulator.h"
+namespace ns3 {
+class NameNode
+  NameNode ();
+  NameNode (const NameNode &nameNode);
+  NameNode (NameNode *parent, std::string name, Ptr<Object> object);
+  NameNode &operator = (const NameNode &rhs);
+ ~NameNode ();
+  NameNode *m_parent;
+  std::string m_name;
+  Ptr<Object> m_object;
+  std::map<std::string, NameNode *> m_nameMap;
+NameNode::NameNode ()
+  : m_parent (0), m_name (""), m_object (0)
+NameNode::NameNode (const NameNode &nameNode)
+  m_parent = nameNode.m_parent;
+  m_name = nameNode.m_name;
+  m_object = nameNode.m_object;
+  m_nameMap = nameNode.m_nameMap;
+NameNode &
+NameNode::operator = (const NameNode &rhs)
+  m_parent = rhs.m_parent;
+  m_name = rhs.m_name;
+  m_object = rhs.m_object;
+  m_nameMap = rhs.m_nameMap;
+  return *this;
+NameNode::NameNode (NameNode *parent, std::string name, Ptr<Object> object)
+  : m_parent (parent), m_name (name), m_object (object)
+NameNode::~NameNode ()
+class NamesPriv 
+  NamesPriv ();
+  ~NamesPriv ();
+  bool Add (std::string name, Ptr<Object> obj);
+  bool Add (Ptr<Object> context, std::string name, Ptr<Object> object);
+  bool Add (std::string context, std::string name, Ptr<Object> object);
+  std::string FindShortName (Ptr<Object> object);
+  std::string FindFullName (Ptr<Object> object);
+  Ptr<Object> FindObjectFromFullName (std::string name);
+  Ptr<Object> FindObjectFromShortName (Ptr<Object> context, std::string name);
+  static NamesPriv *Get (void);
+  static void Delete (void);
+  static NamesPriv **DoGet (void);
+  NameNode *IsNamed (Ptr<Object>);
+  bool IsDuplicateName (NameNode *node, std::string name);
+  NameNode m_root;
+  std::map<Ptr<Object>, NameNode *> m_objectMap;
+NamesPriv *
+NamesPriv::Get (void)
+  return *(DoGet ());
+NamesPriv **
+NamesPriv::DoGet (void)
+  static NamesPriv *ptr = 0;
+  if (ptr == 0)
+    {
+      ptr = new NamesPriv;
+      Simulator::ScheduleDestroy (&NamesPriv::Delete);
+    }
+  return &ptr;
+NamesPriv::Delete (void)
+  NamesPriv **ptr = DoGet ();
+  delete *ptr;
+  *ptr = 0;
+NamesPriv::NamesPriv ()
+  m_root.m_parent = 0;
+  m_root.m_name = "Names";
+  m_root.m_object = 0;
+NamesPriv::~NamesPriv ()
+  //
+  // Every name is associated with an object in the object map, so freeing the
+  // NameNodes in this map will free all of the memory allocated for the NameNodes
+  //
+  for (std::map<Ptr<Object>, NameNode *>::iterator i = m_objectMap.begin (); i != m_objectMap.end (); ++i)
+    {
+      delete i->second;
+      i->second = 0;
+    }
+  m_root.m_parent = 0;
+  m_root.m_name = "";
+  m_root.m_object = 0;
+NamesPriv::Add (std::string name, Ptr<Object> object)
+  NS_LOG_FUNCTION (name << object);
+  //
+  // This is the simple, easy to use version of Add, so we want it to be flexible.
+  //
+  // If we are provided a name that doesn't begin with "/Names", we assume 
+  // that the caller has given us a shortname that she wants added to the root
+  // namespace.  This results in a call to the "real" Add with context set to 
+  // zero, indicating what we want to do.
+  //
+  // If we are given a name that begins with "/Names/" we assume that this is a
+  // fullname to the object we want to create.  We split the fullname into a 
+  // context string and and a final segment and then call the "Real" Add.
+  //
+  std::string namespaceName = "/Names";
+  std::string::size_type offset = name.find (namespaceName);
+  if (offset == 0)
+    {
+      //
+      // This must be a fully qualified longname.  All fully qualified names begin
+      // with "/Names".  We have to split off the final segment which will become
+      // the shortname of the object.
+      //
+      std::string::size_type i = name.rfind ("/");
+      NS_ASSERT_MSG (i != std::string::npos, "NamesPriv::Add(): Internal error.  Can't find '/' in name");
+      //
+      // The slash we found cannot be the slash at the start of the namespaceName.
+      // This would indicate there is no shortname in the path at all.
+      //
+      NS_ASSERT_MSG (i != 0, "NamesPriv::Add(): Can't find a shortname in the name string");
+      //
+      // We now know where the context string starts and ends, and where the
+      // shortname starts and ends.  All we have to do is to call our available
+      // function for creating addubg a shortname under a context string.
+      //
+      return Add (name.substr (0, i), name.substr (i + 1), object);
+    }
+  else
+    {
+      //
+      // This must be a shortname.  Shortnames can't have ANY '/' characters in
+      // them since they are interpreted as a final segment of a fullname.  A 
+      // shortname in this context means creating a name in the root namespace.
+      // We indicate this by passing a zero context to the "real" add.
+      //
+      NS_ASSERT_MSG (offset == std::string::npos, "NamesPriv::Add(): Unexpected '/' in shortname");
+      return Add (Ptr<Object> (0, false), name, object);
+    }
+NamesPriv::Add (Ptr<Object> context, std::string name, Ptr<Object> object)
+  NS_LOG_FUNCTION (context << name << object);
+  if (IsNamed (object))
+    {
+      NS_LOG_LOGIC ("Object is already named");
+      return false;
+    }
+  NameNode *node = 0;
+  if (context)
+    {
+      node = IsNamed (context);
+      NS_ASSERT_MSG (node, "NamesPriv::Name(): context must point to a previously named node");
+    }
+  else
+    {
+      node = &m_root;
+    }
+  if (IsDuplicateName (node, name))
+    {
+      NS_LOG_LOGIC ("Name is already taken");
+      return false;
+    }
+  NameNode *newNode = new NameNode(node, name, object);
+  node->m_nameMap[name] = newNode;
+  m_objectMap[object] = newNode;
+  return true;
+NamesPriv::Add (std::string context, std::string name, Ptr<Object> object)
+  if (context == "/Names")
+    {
+      return Add (Ptr<Object> (0, false), name, object);
+    }
+  return Add (FindObjectFromFullName (context), name, object);
+NamesPriv::FindShortName (Ptr<Object> object)
+  NS_LOG_FUNCTION (object);
+  std::map<Ptr<Object>, NameNode *>::iterator i = m_objectMap.find (object);
+  if (i == m_objectMap.end ())
+    {
+      NS_LOG_LOGIC ("Object does not exist in object map");
+      return "";
+    }
+  else
+    {
+      NS_LOG_LOGIC ("Object exists in object map");
+      return i->second->m_name;
+    }
+NamesPriv::FindFullName (Ptr<Object> object)
+  NS_LOG_FUNCTION (object);
+  std::map<Ptr<Object>, NameNode *>::iterator i = m_objectMap.find (object);
+  if (i == m_objectMap.end ())
+    {
+      NS_LOG_LOGIC ("Object does not exist in object map");
+      return "";
+    }
+  NameNode *p = i->second;
+  NS_ASSERT_MSG (p, "NamesPriv::FindFullName(): Internal error: Invalid NameNode pointer from map");
+  std::string fullname;
+  do
+    {
+      fullname = "/" + p->m_name + fullname;
+      NS_LOG_LOGIC ("fullname is " << fullname);
+    }
+  while ((p = p->m_parent) != 0);
+  return fullname;
+NamesPriv::FindObjectFromFullName (std::string name)
+  std::string namespaceName = "/Names/";
+  std::string::size_type offset = name.find (namespaceName);
+  if (offset == std::string::npos)
+    {
+      NS_LOG_LOGIC (name << " is not in the " << namespaceName << " name space");
+      return 0;
+    }
+  std::string remaining = name.substr (namespaceName.size ());
+  NameNode *node = &m_root;
+  //
+  // remaining is now composed entirely of path segments in the /Names name space.
+  // and we have eaten the leading slash. e.g., remaining = "ClientNode/eth0"
+  // The start of the search is at the root of the name space.
+  //
+  for (;;)
+    {
+      NS_LOG_LOGIC ("Looking for the object of name " << remaining);
+      offset = remaining.find ("/");
+      if (offset == std::string::npos)
+        {
+          //
+          // There are no remaining slashes so this is the last segment of the 
+          // specified name.  We're done when we find it
+          //
+          std::map<std::string, NameNode *>::iterator i = node->m_nameMap.find (remaining);
+          if (i == node->m_nameMap.end ())
+            {
+              NS_LOG_LOGIC ("Name does not exist in name map");
+              return 0;
+            }
+          else
+            {
+              NS_LOG_LOGIC ("Name parsed, found object");
+              return i->second->m_object;
+            }
+        }
+      else
+        {
+          //
+          // There are more slashes so this is an intermediate segment of the 
+          // specified name.  We need to "recurse" when we find this segment.
+          //
+          offset = remaining.find ("/");
+          std::string segment = remaining.substr(0, offset);
+          std::map<std::string, NameNode *>::iterator i = node->m_nameMap.find (segment);
+          if (i == node->m_nameMap.end ())
+            {
+              NS_LOG_LOGIC ("Name does not exist in name map");
+              return 0;
+            }
+          else
+            {
+              node = i->second;
+              remaining = remaining.substr (offset + 1);
+              NS_LOG_LOGIC ("Intermediate segment parsed");
+              continue;
+            }
+        }
+    }
+  NS_ASSERT_MSG (node, "NamesPriv::FindObjectFromFullName(): Internal error:  this can't happen");
+  return 0;
+NamesPriv::FindObjectFromShortName (Ptr<Object> context, std::string name)
+  NS_LOG_FUNCTION (context << name);
+  NameNode *node = 0;
+  if (context == 0)
+    {
+      NS_LOG_LOGIC ("Zero context implies root NameNode");
+      node = &m_root;
+    }
+  else
+    {
+      node = IsNamed (context);
+      if (node == 0)
+        {
+          NS_LOG_LOGIC ("Context does not point to a previously named node");
+          return 0;
+        }
+    }
+  std::map<std::string, NameNode *>::iterator i = node->m_nameMap.find (name);
+  if (i == node->m_nameMap.end ())
+    {
+      NS_LOG_LOGIC ("Name does not exist in name map");
+      return 0;
+    }
+  else
+    {
+      NS_LOG_LOGIC ("Name exists in name map");
+      return i->second->m_object;
+    }
+NameNode *
+NamesPriv::IsNamed (Ptr<Object> object)
+  NS_LOG_FUNCTION (object);
+  std::map<Ptr<Object>, NameNode *>::iterator i = m_objectMap.find (object);
+  if (i == m_objectMap.end ())
+    {
+      NS_LOG_LOGIC ("Object does not exist in object map, returning NameNode 0");
+      return 0;
+    }
+  else
+    {
+      NS_LOG_LOGIC ("Object exists in object map, returning NameNode " << &i->second);
+      return i->second;
+    }
+NamesPriv::IsDuplicateName (NameNode *node, std::string name)
+  NS_LOG_FUNCTION (node << name);
+  std::map<std::string, NameNode *>::iterator i = node->m_nameMap.find (name);
+  if (i == node->m_nameMap.end ())
+    {
+      NS_LOG_LOGIC ("Name does not exist in name map");
+      return false;
+    }
+  else
+    {
+      NS_LOG_LOGIC ("Name exists in name map");
+      return true;
+    }
+Names::Delete (void)
+  NamesPriv::Delete ();
+Names::Add (std::string name, Ptr<Object> object)
+  return NamesPriv::Get ()->Add (name, object);
+Names::Add (Ptr<Object> context, std::string name, Ptr<Object> object)
+  return NamesPriv::Get ()->Add (context, name, object);
+Names::Add (std::string context, std::string name, Ptr<Object> object)
+  return NamesPriv::Get ()->Add (context, name, object);
+Names::FindShortName (Ptr<Object> object)
+  return NamesPriv::Get ()->FindShortName (object);
+Names::FindFullName (Ptr<Object> object)
+  return NamesPriv::Get ()->FindFullName (object);
+Names::FindObjectFromFullNameInternal (std::string name)
+  return NamesPriv::Get ()->FindObjectFromFullName (name);
+Names::FindObjectFromShortNameInternal (Ptr<Object> context, std::string name)
+  return NamesPriv::Get ()->FindObjectFromShortName (context, name);
+} //namespace ns3
+#include "test.h"
+#include "object-factory.h"
+namespace ns3 {
+class TestObject : public Object
+  static TypeId GetTypeId (void) 
+  {
+    static TypeId tid = TypeId ("TestObject")
+      .SetParent (Object::GetTypeId ())
+      .HideFromDocumentation ()
+      .AddConstructor<TestObject> ();
+    return tid;
+  }
+  TestObject () {}
+  virtual void Dispose (void) {}
+class NamesTest : public Test
+  NamesTest ();
+  virtual bool RunTests (void);
+NamesTest::NamesTest ()
+  : Test ("Names")
+NamesTest::RunTests (void)
+  bool result = true;
+  // 
+  // Name a couple of objects at the root level
+  //
+  Ptr<TestObject> client = CreateObject<TestObject> ();
+  result = Names::Add ("Client", client);
+  NS_TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL (result, true);
+  Ptr<TestObject> server = CreateObject<TestObject> ();
+  result = Names::Add ("Server", server);
+  NS_TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL (result, true);
+  //
+  // We shouldn't be able to add another name to a previously named object
+  //
+  result = Names::Add ("Not Client", client);
+  NS_TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL (result, false);
+  //
+  // We shouldn't be able to duplicate a name at the root level.
+  //
+  Ptr<TestObject> secondClient = CreateObject<TestObject> ();
+  result = Names::Add ("Client", secondClient);
+  NS_TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL (result, false);
+  //
+  // We should be able to add a new name in the first object's context
+  //
+  Ptr<TestObject> clientEth0 = CreateObject<TestObject> ();
+  result = Names::Add (client, "eth0", clientEth0);
+  NS_TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL (result, true);
+  //
+  // We shouldn't be able to duplicate a name in that context.
+  //
+  Ptr<TestObject> secondClientEth0 = CreateObject<TestObject> ();
+  result = Names::Add (client, "eth0", secondClientEth0);
+  NS_TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL (result, false);
+  //
+  // We should be able to add the same name in the second object's context
+  //
+  Ptr<TestObject> serverEth0 = CreateObject<TestObject> ();
+  result = Names::Add (server, "eth0", serverEth0);
+  NS_TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL (result, true);
+  //
+  // We should be able to find the short names for the objects we created
+  //
+  std::string found;
+  found = Names::FindShortName (client);
+  NS_TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL (found, "Client");
+  found = Names::FindShortName (server);
+  NS_TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL (found, "Server");
+  found = Names::FindShortName (clientEth0);
+  NS_TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL (found, "eth0");
+  found = Names::FindShortName (serverEth0);
+  NS_TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL (found, "eth0");
+  //
+  // We should be able to find the full names for the objects we created
+  //
+  found = Names::FindFullName (client);
+  NS_TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL (found, "/Names/Client");
+  found = Names::FindFullName (server);
+  NS_TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL (found, "/Names/Server");
+  found = Names::FindFullName (clientEth0);
+  NS_TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL (found, "/Names/Client/eth0");
+  found = Names::FindFullName (serverEth0);
+  NS_TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL (found, "/Names/Server/eth0");
+  // 
+  // We should be able to find the objects from the short names
+  //
+  Ptr<TestObject> foundObject;
+  foundObject = Names::FindObjectFromShortName<TestObject> (0, "Client");
+  NS_TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL (foundObject, client);
+  foundObject = Names::FindObjectFromShortName<TestObject> (0, "Server");
+  NS_TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL (foundObject, server);
+  foundObject = Names::FindObjectFromShortName<TestObject> (client, "eth0");
+  NS_TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL (foundObject, clientEth0);
+  foundObject = Names::FindObjectFromShortName<TestObject> (server, "eth0");
+  NS_TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL (foundObject, serverEth0);
+  // 
+  // We should be able to find the objects from their full names
+  //
+  foundObject = Names::Find<TestObject> ("/Names/Client");
+  NS_TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL (foundObject, client);
+  foundObject = Names::Find<TestObject> ("/Names/Server");
+  NS_TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL (foundObject, server);
+  foundObject = Names::Find<TestObject> ("/Names/Client/eth0");
+  NS_TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL (foundObject, clientEth0);
+  foundObject = Names::Find<TestObject> ("/Names/Server/eth0");
+  NS_TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL (foundObject, serverEth0);
+  //
+  // We also have some syntactically sugary methods, so make sure they do what
+  // they should as well.
+  //
+  Ptr<TestObject> bridge = CreateObject<TestObject> ();
+  result = Names::Add ("/Names", "Bridge", bridge);
+  NS_TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL (result, true);
+  Ptr<TestObject> bridgeEth0 = CreateObject<TestObject> ();
+  result = Names::Add ("/Names/Bridge", "eth0", bridgeEth0);
+  NS_TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL (result, true);
+  foundObject = Names::Find<TestObject> ("/Names/Bridge");
+  NS_TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL (foundObject, bridge);
+  foundObject = Names::Find<TestObject> ("/Names/Bridge/eth0");
+  NS_TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL (foundObject, bridgeEth0);
+  Ptr<TestObject> wireless = CreateObject<TestObject> ();
+  result = Names::Add ("/Names/Wireless", wireless);
+  NS_TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL (result, true);
+  Ptr<TestObject> wirelessAth0 = CreateObject<TestObject> ();
+  result = Names::Add ("/Names/Wireless/ath0", wirelessAth0);
+  NS_TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL (result, true);
+  foundObject = Names::Find<TestObject> ("/Names/Wireless");
+  NS_TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL (foundObject, wireless);
+  foundObject = Names::Find<TestObject> ("/Names/Wireless/ath0");
+  NS_TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL (foundObject, wirelessAth0);
+  //
+  // Run the simulator and destroy it to get the Destroy method called on the
+  // private implementation object.  We depend on seeing a valgrind-clean run of
+  // the unit tests to really determine if the clean up was really successful.
+  //
+  Simulator::Run ();
+  Simulator::Destroy ();
+  return true;
+static NamesTest g_namesTests;
+} // namespace ns3
+#endif /* RUN_SELF_TESTS */