author Craig Dowell <>
Fri, 27 Jun 2008 14:56:18 -0700
changeset 3327 ea16c44eb90d
parent 3272 50726baf47b3
child 3399 5782cdf815e1
permissions -rw-r--r--
Apply Patch for Bug 237

/* -*-  Mode: C++; c-file-style: "gnu"; indent-tabs-mode:nil; -*- */
 * Copyright (c) 2007 Georgia Tech Research Corporation
 * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
 * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as
 * published by the Free Software Foundation;
 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * GNU General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
 * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
 * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA
 * Author: Raj Bhattacharjea <>

#include <stdint.h>
#include <queue>
#include "ns3/callback.h"
#include "ns3/traced-value.h"
#include "ns3/tcp-socket.h"
#include "ns3/ptr.h"
#include "ns3/ipv4-address.h"
#include "ns3/event-id.h"
#include "tcp-typedefs.h"
#include "pending-data.h"
#include "sequence-number.h"
#include "rtt-estimator.h"

namespace ns3 {

class Ipv4EndPoint;
class Node;
class Packet;
class TcpL4Protocol;
class TcpHeader;

 * \ingroup socket
 * \brief An implementation of a stream socket using TCP.
 * This class contains an implementation of TCP Tahoe, as well as a sockets
 * interface for talking to TCP.  Features include connection orientation,
 * reliability through cumulative acknowledgements, congestion and flow 
 * control.  Finite send/receive buffer semantics are modeled.
 * Asynchronous callbacks to provide notifications to higher layers that a 
 * protocol event has occured, such as space freeing up in the send buffer
 * or new data arriving in the receive buffer.
class TcpSocketImpl : public TcpSocket
  static TypeId GetTypeId (void);
   * Create an unbound tcp socket.
  TcpSocketImpl ();
  TcpSocketImpl (const TcpSocketImpl& sock);
  virtual ~TcpSocketImpl ();

  void SetNode (Ptr<Node> node);
  void SetTcp (Ptr<TcpL4Protocol> tcp);
  void SetRtt (Ptr<RttEstimator> rtt);

  virtual enum SocketErrno GetErrno (void) const;
  virtual Ptr<Node> GetNode (void) const;
  virtual int Bind (void);
  virtual int Bind (const Address &address);
  virtual int Close (void);
  virtual int ShutdownSend (void);
  virtual int ShutdownRecv (void);
  virtual int Connect(const Address &address);
  virtual int Listen(uint32_t queueLimit);
  virtual uint32_t GetTxAvailable (void) const;
  virtual int Send (Ptr<Packet> p, uint32_t flags);
  virtual int SendTo(Ptr<Packet> p, uint32_t flags, const Address &toAddress);
  virtual uint32_t GetRxAvailable (void) const;
  virtual Ptr<Packet> Recv (uint32_t maxSize, uint32_t flags);
  virtual Ptr<Packet> RecvFrom (uint32_t maxSize, uint32_t flags,
    Address &fromAddress);

  friend class Tcp;
  // invoked by Tcp class
  int FinishBind (void);
  void ForwardUp (Ptr<Packet> p, Ipv4Address ipv4, uint16_t port);
  void Destroy (void);
  int DoSendTo (Ptr<Packet> p, const Address &daddr);
  int DoSendTo (Ptr<Packet> p, Ipv4Address daddr, uint16_t dport);
  void SendEmptyPacket(uint8_t flags);
  //methods for state
  bool ProcessAction (Actions_t a);
  bool ProcessAction (Actions_t a, const TcpHeader& tcpHeader,
                      Ipv4Address saddr, Ipv4Address daddr);
  bool ProcessPacketAction (Actions_t a, Ptr<Packet> p,
                                       const TcpHeader& tcpHeader,
                                       const Address& fromAddress);
  Actions_t ProcessEvent (Events_t e);
  bool SendPendingData(bool withAck = false);
  void CompleteFork(Ptr<Packet>, const TcpHeader&, const Address& fromAddress);
  void ConnectionSucceeded();
  //methods for window management
  virtual uint32_t  UnAckDataCount(); // Return count of number of unacked bytes
  virtual uint32_t  BytesInFlight();  // Return total bytes in flight
  virtual uint32_t  Window();         // Return window size (integer)
  virtual uint32_t  AvailableWindow();// Return unfilled portion of window

  // Manage data tx/rx
  void NewRx (Ptr<Packet>, const TcpHeader&, const Address&);
  // XXX This should be virtual and overridden
  Ptr<TcpSocketImpl> Copy ();
  void NewAck (SequenceNumber seq); 
  // XXX This should be virtual and overridden
  void DupAck (const TcpHeader& t, uint32_t count); 
  void ReTxTimeout ();
  void DelAckTimeout ();
  void LastAckTimeout ();
  void Retransmit ();
  void CommonNewAck (SequenceNumber seq, bool skipTimer = false);

  // attribute related
  virtual void SetSndBufSize (uint32_t size);
  virtual uint32_t GetSndBufSize (void) const;
  virtual void SetRcvBufSize (uint32_t size);
  virtual uint32_t GetRcvBufSize (void) const;
  virtual void SetSegSize (uint32_t size);
  virtual uint32_t GetSegSize (void) const;
  virtual void SetAdvWin (uint32_t window);
  virtual uint32_t GetAdvWin (void) const;
  virtual void SetSSThresh (uint32_t threshold);
  virtual uint32_t GetSSThresh (void) const;
  virtual void SetInitialCwnd (uint32_t cwnd);
  virtual uint32_t GetInitialCwnd (void) const;
  virtual void SetConnTimeout (Time timeout);
  virtual Time GetConnTimeout (void) const;
  virtual void SetConnCount (uint32_t count);
  virtual uint32_t GetConnCount (void) const;
  virtual void SetDelAckTimeout (Time timeout);
  virtual Time GetDelAckTimeout (void) const;
  virtual void SetDelAckMaxCount (uint32_t count);
  virtual uint32_t GetDelAckMaxCount (void) const;

  bool m_skipRetxResched;
  uint32_t m_dupAckCount;
  EventId m_retxEvent;
  EventId m_lastAckEvent;

  EventId m_delAckEvent;
  uint32_t m_delAckCount;
  uint32_t m_delAckMaxCount;
  Time m_delAckTimeout;

  Ipv4EndPoint *m_endPoint;
  Ptr<Node> m_node;
  Ptr<TcpL4Protocol> m_tcp;
  Ipv4Address m_remoteAddress;
  uint16_t m_remotePort;
  //these two are so that the socket/endpoint cloning works
  Ipv4Address m_localAddress;
  uint16_t m_localPort;
  enum SocketErrno m_errno;
  bool m_shutdownSend;
  bool m_shutdownRecv;
  bool m_connected;
  //manage the state infomation
  States_t m_state;
  bool m_closeNotified;
  bool m_closeRequestNotified;
  bool m_closeOnEmpty;
  bool m_pendingClose;

  //sequence info, sender side
  SequenceNumber m_nextTxSequence;
  SequenceNumber m_highTxMark;
  SequenceNumber m_highestRxAck;
  SequenceNumber m_lastRxAck;
  //sequence info, reciever side
  SequenceNumber m_nextRxSequence;

  //history data
  //this is the incoming data buffer which sorts out of sequence data
  UnAckData_t m_bufferedData;
  //this is kind of the tx buffer
  PendingData* m_pendingData;
  SequenceNumber m_firstPendingSequence;

  // Window management
  uint32_t                       m_segmentSize;          //SegmentSize
  uint32_t                       m_rxWindowSize;
  uint32_t                       m_advertisedWindowSize; //Window to advertise
  TracedValue<uint32_t>          m_cWnd;                 //Congestion window
  uint32_t                       m_ssThresh;             //Slow Start Threshold
  uint32_t                       m_initialCWnd;          //Initial cWnd value

  // Round trip time estimation
  Ptr<RttEstimator> m_rtt;
  Time m_lastMeasuredRtt;

  // Timer-related members
  Time              m_cnTimeout; 
  uint32_t          m_cnCount;

  // Temporary queue for delivering data to application
  uint32_t m_rxAvailable;

  // Attributes
  uint32_t m_sndBufSize;   // buffer limit for the outgoing queue
  uint32_t m_rcvBufSize;   // maximum receive socket buffer size

}//namespace ns3

#endif /* TCP_SOCKET_IMPL_H */